Well, I’ve finally finished watching all the Buffy and Angel episodes I have. 🙂 Now to watch all the special features, then wait for Season 5 of Angel to come out on DVD. 😀

Also, balloons!

We also have fancy new phones for work, although we’re not quite using them yet. They’re all VoIP and stuff.

18 thoughts on “

      1. Oh, speaking of chocolate, remind me tomorrow to give you my little chocolately thing. I don’t really eat chocolate these days.

        (God damn, that first sentence could be taken entirely the wrong way).

        1. Ha!

          Actually, I had two already — one was left on my desk downstairs, and another one upstairs. Woo!

          Also… not eating chocolate? Infidel!

      1. the body = absolutely amazing. and tell me you cried at the end of “the gift”. oh god i did.

        and on the angel DVDs…amy acker’s screen test is ESSENTIAL viewing.

        1. the body = absolutely amazing. and tell me you cried at the end of “the gift”. oh god i did.

          Hehe, definitely. 🙂

          and on the angel DVDs…amy acker’s screen test is ESSENTIAL viewing.

          Mm hmm. 🙂 I’m working my way through the Buffy featurettes and audio commentaries at the moment. Joss Whedon’s ones are hilarious. 😀 Up to Disc 4 of Season 3.

  1. I have a sneaking suspicion that these phones are going to suck.

    Which part of the call infrastructure currently uses VoIP? Which part has poor line quality? The cynic in me isn’t looking forward to these phones…

    On the other hand, the geek in me can’t wait! Apparently they’re working internally now; we should play with them tomorrow!

    Also, the company dick is in your photo.

    1. Re: I have a sneaking suspicion that these phones are going to suck.

      I don’t know…I know the TW lines are VoIP, but have they always been? I mean, they’re generally horrible, yes, but I’ve had an increasing number of calls from them that have been surprisingly good quality, and practically no lag whatsoever.

      And yes, I know. 🙁

      1. The TW calls had seemed better lately, but I’ve had a series of nasty ones the last few days. Especially when the customer is in Singapore, probably routed to us, then to India, the back to us. Oh yeah, arguing with people with a 2 second lag. Wow, I’m so veering off-topic.

        I suspect the Aus-NZ link is VoIP too; it goes silent when neither side is talking. That comes across as a compression algorithm to me…

        Blah blah blah!

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