InterestRank quiz

How common are VirtualWolf’s interests

computers (266008)
piercings (101600)
reading (352824)
video games (109718)
cars (71251)
fantasy (63566)
death metal (10500)
goth (33173)
heavy metal (16953)
lacuna coil (12034)
metallica (40131)
sci-fi (24995)
star wars (42702)
\m/ (1089)
amy lee (6677)
apple (4366)
arch enemy (4630)
black metal (7851)
dimmu borgir (8792)
fear factory (7039)
iced earth (3804)
in flames (8889)
macintosh (5464)
magic the gathering (3417)
opeth (7709)
pubs (4284)
sydney (1759)
warhammer 40k (1247)
bundaberg rum (24)
dragonforce (501)
geeking out (294)
gothic chicks (222)
monkeysoypants (11)
sirenia (244)

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10 thoughts on “InterestRank quiz

  1. mmmmm amy lee….

    do you happen to have an mp3 of “broken” with her and seether? =) i’d trade ya if i happened to have anything you might be interested in…

    1. “Mmm, Amy Lee…” indeed. :)~

      No, I don’t have that song.

      I’ve seen the video clip on the TV, and to be honest, it’s a fairly ordinary song. 🙂 Amy Lee is awesome as always, but the song just didn’t grab me at all. 🙂

      1. ah, well, i’ve sometimes seen videos for songs and didn’t really like the song as much afterwards so maybe if i saw the video i wouldn’t be as impressed with the song any more. =) but i still like it now, maybe partially because i’ve only heard it a couple of times & haven’t been able to get my hands on it.

        where are my fair amount of comments?! 😉

              1. but! i am so grateful! and the kind of grateful i am feel obligated to send in return! =)

                do you like evanescence? do you have the first album (origin) ? =)

                1. sorry, I got distracted by dr.who… then neighbours.. then the simpsons ;x I’m not exactly the biggest evanescence fan, but seriously you don’t have to send me anything, it’s okay 😛

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