WOO! My keyboard arrived today! 😀 And it’s fucking huge:
And I’m well aware I have absolutely no musical talent whatsoever. 😉 GarageBand has a metronome so you can keep time while you’re playing…I couldn’t keep time even with it on, heh. But dammit, I will persevere! 😉
I’ll get some of your tunes tomorrow! Also, thanks for Office Space!
Ooooooooooooh shiny!!
Rock on, brothah. \m/
There’s a distinct lack of metal-sounding guitars in GarageBand, though. 🙁
Do you have the Jam Pack?
Of course!
And there’s still no metal?
For shame Apple, for shame!
My sentiments exactly!
*touches it*
and here i was thinking you were talking about some fancy ascii keyboard. hah!