Our LAN was quite fun!

I’ve got a time booked for my driving test now. 😀 9:45am, Wednesday after next.

Woo. I’ve snagged the latest albums from Arch Enemy and Dimmu Borgir, “Anthems Of Rebellion” and “Death Cult Armageddon”, respectively. They’re very plus plus.

We’re having a LAN party at a friend’s house tomorrow. Well, maybe not “party”…perhaps “gathering” would be better. 🙂 Starts at midday, should be lots of fun!

Oh, and (my iSight)++.


Got tickets to the Metallica concert in January. 😀

I’ll be going for my P’s within the next couple of weeks, too. 🙂

Woo! I’ve now got a webcam page. 😀 I found a piece of software called EvoCam. It’s damn cool. Lets you do all sorts of nifty things with your webcam.

My website’s been redesigned too…the HTML is much simpler and neater, for one thing. And I’m back to the purple colour scheme. 😉

Awesomeness…my iSight arrived today. 🙂 It’s very cool. The packing is similar in style to the iPod’s. It works brilliantly too…I was chatting with one of my friends who works at Apple (the bastard), and it was quite clear and audible.

It’d be nice if the firewire cable was a tad longer, so I could thread it around behind my monitor and below my desk, but eh.

Bah. I’ve got a friend’s party at the Tantra nightclub in the city, /everyone/ is going, and I’ve got a bloody awful chest cold and can barely breathe. 🙁

I’m just going to sit here drinking my Bundy and coke and listening to my collection of lounge music. ::grumble::

First off, The Crown is awesome. A big “crux plus fucking plus” for introducing me to them. 🙂

Second, we’ve got a friend’s 21st tonight. 😀 The first of many to come!

Dave’s farewell

Had an excellent night! We went to Pittwater RSL for a farewell for one of the guys at work, then headed down to the pub. There were these two guys wearing metal t-shirts, so I just went up to one of them and said “Yeah, love the t-shirt!”, and we started this big massive conversation about various metal bands, and there was about seven or eight of us metalheads there. Drank, talked, it was good. 🙂

Update 15th June 2024:

It turns out I had some photos from this sitting on a dusty CD-R that someone took of the event, LOOK HOW YOUNG I AM OMG. And so beardless!

A group of people sitting around in very daggy-looking wicker chairs with a bunch of pokies in the background. The camera flash is on so the lighting is terrible.
A photo of an extremely young me, a beardless white man with short but gelled-up brown hair sitting in one of the daggy wicker chairs. Another guy with slightly longer brown and scruffy hair is crouched next to me like we were in discussion about something.
A photo of me with a cheesy grin looking directly at the camera and giving the middle finger with both hands.


Got my mags! 😀 😀

Pics will come tomorrow, after I get my new numberplates and give it a wash. 😉