I went down to the Mall this morning to pick up some clothes and shoes for Lily (and got the fourth season of The 4400, both seasons of Dark Angel, and the first season of Supernatural for a total of $102!), intending on going down to the park that’s at the beach this afternoon.

I walked outside just now, and it’s completely overcast and looking like it’s going to piss down any minute. Grumble!

Hee! I’ve got today off work and am looking after Lily. I put some music on, Cradle of Filth’s “Dusk And Her Embrace” album. She sat down in my lap and was headbanging to it!

Lily turned one yesterday! That really has gone by waaaay too fast.

We had a bit of a do at Sammi’s parents’ place. A bunch of her relatives came (my relatives in the immediate area pretty much consist of mum, dad, my sister, and my grandma), Lily got lots of fun presents, and a good time was had by all. I snapped a few pics, I’ll upload them when I get home tonight.

On a totally different note, LACUNA COIL ARE TOURING AGAIN! And headlining this time! Tickets are on sale this Friday, and it’s June 26 at the Enmore. I cannot fucking WAIT.

I called Sammi today asking where she was, so I could visit Lily.

Lily was in the middle of her first chocolate biscuit when I arrived.


Lily’s definitely mine and Sammi’s daughter… she was being a snot and just not going to sleep, even though she was rubbing her eyes and could barely keep them open. She was just crying at everything.

I put on the video for Bloodrocuted by Dethklok, and she fell straight asleep!

Lily is seven months old today! Man that has gone entirely too fast.

I’m doing pretty well with the guitar… got E, A, and D minor and major mostly down, and am working on G and C major now. I’ve hooked my guitar amp up to my stereo… it sounds so much better! Just going through the guitar amp sounds like absolute rubbish now. 😉