Hurrah for clean rooms! And I’m watching the thermometer (we’ve got one of those ones that measures the inside and outside temp), and the temperature outside is dropping like a stone. It was 17° outside about half an hour ago, it’s heading below 16 already. Cold nights are plus fucking plus!
Neat freak.
Also, 16 degrees should be a cold Winter’s day, not night!
This is true. But my point was that it’s going to get nice and cold tonight, not that it was very cold at the moment. 🙂
Why is using LiveJournal as a instant messaging system?
err, am i not allowed to, oh great internet god? 😛
Well, it’s a screwy concept, especially on other people’s journals…
if virtualwolf wishes to tell me off about getting a couple of comment emails, he has every right to. to tell you the truth, i thought you’d probably re-blocked my email address.
Cold weather = heaters + blankets = company = cuddles = mmm goodness
ummm, how are we bastards and how are we evil?
it must have been so funny that forgot to laugh 😛
no. I’ve no interest whatsoever in what you’ve been saying or not saying about me. I was looking for something I’d written somewhere in virtualwolf’s journal, if that’s alright with you, mikey.
i’m the one who’s actually on virtualwolf’s friends list mikey, i could ask you what you’re doing here 😛
oh, i’m so scared 😛 i’m going to go and cry myself to sleep now.
and i’m not going to respond anymore lest we do actually piss nick off.