Wow. I was just looking at the extended info on my LJ userinfo page, and realised my two-year LJ anniversary was on the 5th of this month. 🙂 I can’t believe it’s gone that fast.
200 journal entries, 1068 comments posted, 732 received.
And I’m very near 2000 posts on the Ars Technica forums, and I registered there on the 9th of March 2001. Over three years ago! Times flies when you’re having fun. 🙂
happy anniversary. remind me to take you for a drink.
Hah. Or several. 😉
Come to the next meet!
when? where? how? why? what? who?
have i covered all bases?
methinks thats “dozens” is more in order…
It hasn’t been organised. Just saying that next time there’s one you should come. 🙂
no worries.
*semsei crawls back to her alcohol*
Aww, not staggering back drunkenly?
i had passed that point in the evening when staggering is acceptable form of movement.
like the userpic – yoshimi?
Yes 🙂
the concert was awesome!