I went down to the Mall this morning and got my shiny new Sony-Ericsson T630, and my AirPort Express arrived this afternoon. 😀
I went down to the Mall this morning and got my shiny new Sony-Ericsson T630, and my AirPort Express arrived this afternoon. 😀
Hi, I am ill.
“Hey, how do you set the phone up to receive SMSs on the computer?”
Once the phone has been paired with the Bluetooth Setup Assistant, it should just be a matter of opening Address Book, and clicking the Bluetooth icon in the top left.
If you look in Bluetooth Preferences>Devices, should the phone be appearing as always connected? (The name is bold). Cuz it ain’t. 🙂
Yes, yes it should!
Oh, and next time you’re sick, call work up so they know. 🙂
Err… I e-mailed… like I e-mailed last time… hrmm… hrmm…
Cuz Jesse was asking where you were. Maybe email /and/ call… 🙂
I don’t know Jesse’s one off the top of my head, but Roselle’s extension is 8064.