Woo! Another new computer. 😀
It’s for work, however.
Still, top o’ the line! 2GHz, 160GB HD, 512MB RAM, 128MB Radeon 9600, AirPort Extreme, Bluetooth.
Woo! Another new computer. 😀
It’s for work, however.
Still, top o’ the line! 2GHz, 160GB HD, 512MB RAM, 128MB Radeon 9600, AirPort Extreme, Bluetooth.
fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair!!!!
You’ll be upgrading to a 1.25 or 1.42GHz eMac soon, I’d imagine.
Do you get the stands too?
Aye, we do.
Because you need that to use Safari. 😀
PS: http://sillysoft.net/lux/ rocks.
I’m gonna whinge now!
Try juggling Safari, SAP, IRC, Mail, eApproval, Filemaker, Word, Excel, and whatever other crap we always have open… damn Safari-only tech support! 😛
We’re petitioning for an upgrade!
hey you have a PB why are you bitching!!
…it’s not provided by work!
i’m sure by giving jesse “sexual favours”
you’ll get ahead
see i didnt even use the term “blow job”
He’s not in a position to give me a raise.
so chris,
what kind of “position” would he have to be in – to give you a “raise”.
because i can think of many.
He’d need to be much more senior before I’d even think about raising.
so chris,
so he’d have to be wearing some kind of army uniform.. maybe along the lines of a sargent, before you’d start to get some kind of “raise”?
No. Just more grey. Plain and simple.
do he require a whip?
We’re not talking about your fantasies here.
While I must say that I’m flattered by your repeated interest in my sex life, I regret to inform you that if i will not participate in that way unless I am monetarily compensated.
That’s quaint, coming from someone trying to hook me up with her team leader.
i’m glad i wasn’t the only person thinking along the same lines!
That icon rules. 😉
that is true!
i need to go through and change all mine ..
I was meaning mostly from the nearly-naked-chick-in-the-icon point of view… 😉
Sif irc from a mac. All mac irc clients suck.
Use http://irssi.org/
I actually use Snak at work, which Apple have a site-licence for, and all scripted up.
For personal use, Colloquy is undoubtedly the best Mac IRC client. Uses irssi at the core. Old pictures here; I tend to use nicer colours now…
And there’s my evangelising for the day!
And I agree, irssi is undoubtedly the best CLI IRC client…
But you can’t use Colloquy with screen.
But I can use it with dircproxy*.
*Though I gave up on that awhile back. I’m just not addicted to IRC anymore…
Why does apple have a site-license for ann irc client?
Support is available internally via IRC. The theory being it’s quicker than the phone, because people can handle more than one query at a time…
All I want is the screen real estate; I don’t need 128MB VRAM. Although it would be nice for after-hours Halo… 😉
You’d be surprised! 😉
We use PeopleSoft 8 for our logging stuff, and it’s quite the CPU hog.
mmmm, not used it.
Be thankful for small mercies. 😉
Hey, PS8 is reasonable, once you know how to make it dance.
SAP, now there’s pure evil. Pure evil, German-style.
Heheheh. Aye, I’ve seen Racquel using it… ick.
damn that’s sexy
Yep. 😀
die! 😛
seriously, how the hell are you going to use 160GB at work?
kinda goes without saying that one *g*
Nah, they’re all on my PowerBook. 🙂
Same. I really need to back them up. 50GB of mp3 is going to take way to long to re-encode.
Heheh. I’ve got just under 39GB of music, and only 10.7GB is actually encoded from CD. 🙂 The rest is downloaded, so it’d suck severe balls if I lost it all.
Mind you, the music ripped from CD is 160Kbps AAC, and stuff I download is at least 192Kbps MP3, and is often higher.
My backup strategy is just to clone my whole HD to an external one every now and again. 🙂
I’m really not, heh… my whole home folder is only 2.7GB. 🙂
Pretty soon they will probably just spray the screen on the wall in front of you.
Re: Compooter
I’d prefer it sprayed on the desk.
I’d hate to be looking at a wall all day.
“Top of the line”, and yet still only a Radeon 9600.
That’s why he owns an Xbox!
You’re all bastards.
Time to apply for an Apple tech support job!
Does it pay well?
not as much as sushi
You pay better than apple does?
*gets resume sorted*
I thought about it, but where’s the center located?
Frenchs fucking Forest now, sweet sweet Sydney CBD soon.
So, if I were to get in on the ground floor, when/if the move to the CBD happened, it’d make it amazingly easy for me to get to, rather than, well, fucked if I know how long it’d take me to get to Frenchs Forest.
30 min bus from Chatswood station. I don’t know anything else.
frenchs forest = belrose = where you got your haircut remember?
it’s fine driving; but public transport is a bitch.
but it’s do-able; i was still living in belrose for a few months when i was working in double bay … so that’s the same distance 🙂
go for it 😀
Ok, it’s time to donate some of your stuff to charity.
IE, Me.
Hahah, ye… no. 😛
you are such a geek, it’s so cute!! As is the little tiger on your desk! 😀
Hahah, thanks, I think. 😉
Definitely meant to be complimentary!
hahaha – You are such a geekitymcgeek with a side of geek 😉
PS – Fucking bluetooth 😛
What? That’s what it’s called! 😛
stupid bluetooth – my phone is possessed by bluetooth and its crap i tells ya crap!! lol