Well, after all my glee in my last post, Lily had an absolutely atrocious night. 🙁
She woke up a bit before 1, I just put her dummy back in and she went back to sleep. Unfortunately she woke again at 3, with her nose totally blocked again. I attempted to give her another good squirt of saline solution, but I didn’t want to wake my roommates up with her crying. I brought her into my room and put her in bed, and she kept stirring and crying out for a good couple of hours. I finally got to sleep again at 5, and woke up an hour later to her stirring more (she wasn’t crying, just moving about, but I’m quite a light sleeper).
All up I probably got about three or four hours sleep last night. I was intending on having a nap on the bus on the way in to work, but I remained stubbornly awake. 🙁 On the bright side I’m a lot more awake than I was expecting to be.
::big hugs::
Hooray for second winds. Or third or fourth ones.
And caffeine.
And hugs.
And talking to the love of my life shortly!
Same to you except replace shortly with NOW.
I thought you said you *couldn’t* get her sick being so far away! LIES! 😉 Hope you both feel better soon.