Well. I was going to go out tonight, but all of a sudden I’m tired and really don’t feel like it.


__stripped and I caught up on Saturday night. We started at Luna Park (and she wandered around comparing everything to Melbourne’s one ;)) and snapped a few pics. I’ve never actually been on a ferris wheel before, and jesus, the one at Luna Park is actually really high up at the top!

We ended up at Manly after that (Luna Park was closing early due to the weather), drinking coffee, talking, and looking out at the beach until __stripped‘s sister came to pick her up.

Mmmmm, 500GB of hard disky goodness.

Also, catching the bus to work makes the week pass so much slower. 🙁

I was just talking with minga, and I realised it’s been four and a half years since I got my tongue piercing! I can’t believe it’s been that long.

Also, at work, they’ve changed things so the Tier 2 calls from 7-9pm go over to Cork in Ireland, which means we don’t get free parking anymore, which means I have to catch the bus in. 🙁 Fuckers!