Your LJ RPG Team quiz

Your LJ RPG Team
LJ Username  
Favorite Color 
Weapon of Choice 
Your Partner  thristian
Your Warrior  xenex
The Giggly, Flirtatious Magic User with Big Breasts  sapia
The Talking Animal  parttimecoconut
Main Archenemy  das
Evil Incarnate  halspal
This fun quiz by ass_ – Taken 60003 Times.

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“The Giggly, Flirtatious Magic User with Big Breasts: Sapia”. ROFL. 😀

I was just reading through the lyrics for this Meshuggah album. There’s some very cool stuff here.

Trapped in a gaze where time stand still
Connected to a blur sensations deformed
We are to drown just to become
Another set of eyes among the millions

Enchanted we fade selecting illusions
Dwellers of the scene a new world obsessed
Gods of displays divine screens
Radiate us now your blessing

Down kneel to shields of glass
To the sovereign
Bleed for the entity of wavelenghts

Transfixed yet eyes glowing with delight
Delusions of omniscience bred us my liars
Mentally drained by the growing leech
Fed on our manic desire

Oceans of sewage continual
Washing into our minds
Drowning in wasted integrity
With eyes too open to see vanity

Engulfed in super fiction fields
What are we when the false pictures

Caged within a twilight world
Devoid of own self made thoughts
Stare blind…


Which Sesame Street Muppet’s dark secret are you? quiz


The Count
The Count’s Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

It started with a simple affection for counting and
the terror it induced in others, didn’t it?
But now it’s turned into a full-blown
life-consuming chaotic nightmare of order,
repetition, zealousness, and perfectionism.
You used to be so grand, but now you find
yourself obsessively worrying over the littlest
things–like, maybe if you don’t check the
light switch at least once every two minutes,
the electricity will go out (and damnit, you’re
a vampire–that shouldn’t be a problem!), or
maybe if you don’t wash your hands until your
seams are coming out, you’ll get some fatal
disease. Get yourself some treatment.

Which Sesame Street Muppet’s Dark Secret Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

My goodness it’s pissing down out there!

I just got home from my friend’s place (we had an Xbox night), checked the thermometer… 6°C. 🙂 A perfect night for snuggling up in bed!

And down comes the rain! 😀 It’s nice and dark out there too.

This is what winter should be. All snuggled up inside while it’s miserable outside. 😀

And goodness, dad just came in and said the temperature has dropped to 11°. (It was 16 before the rain started).

Wow…it seems like the weather forecasters were correct for once! I’m looking out my window at the moment, and there’s these massive, very dark-looking clouds rapidly coming up. It’ll be pissing down with rain very soon. 😀

Also, I’ve created four new userpics for myself, as well. 🙂

Hee. We’re heading over to my friend’s place for our semi-regular night of drinking, Magic: The Gathering, Viva la Bam, The Man Show, and Naked News. 😉

Sweet, just ordered myself a Canon PowerShot A75 digital camera. 🙂 Having our digital camera at Cath’s party made me realise I probably ought to get my own one. (The one I took is actually a family camera. And a few years old, at that).

Speaking of which, the pics from the party will be up later tonight.