w00t, new LJ pic. 🙂

And with that, there’s very little else happening. We’re going to Bradley’s Head tomorrow for NYE (it’s right on the Harbour…we went there last year, and it rocked. Awesome view of the fireworks).

Oh yes, and Christmas was Good™. Lots of loot. 😀

I bought a silver tongue barbell on Thursday…it’s shorter than my current one, but it looks so much better than the purple 🙂 (doesn’t blend in with my tongue at all).

I also got Eternal Darkness for the GC…it’s quite cool. 🙂

Bloody hell this heat SUCKS! Bring on Autumn, I say.

I can’t even paint my fricken miniatures because the paint dries on the brush before I can put it on the miniature!

Went over to a friend’s place last night, had a few drinks, and stayed overnight so we could have a Warhammer 40,000 battle today. I lost, but my goodness it was close.

Oh, and I have yet more miniatures now (3 Shining Spears and an Exarch, a Warlock, and a Fire Dragon Exarch).

Wow, been a while since I’ve updated.

Probably the only news worth mentioning is that I’m getting back into Warhammer 40,000 again. I’ve spent about $550 on stuff from the Games Workshop’s Mail Order so far. I play Eldar, btw, for those interested. 🙂

We went over to a friend’s place last night, intending to pretty much just play video games all night. Instead, one of my other friends brought his Magic: The Gathering cards, so we stayed up until 5:30am playing that. 😀 (I’m such a geek).

I went in today and got a shorter barbell put in my tongue. It’s titanium, and purple. Unfortunately the purple blends in with the colour of my tongue too much. 🙁 Gonna go get another, different one, eventually.

My tongue is definitely getting better…the swelling’s going down, and the soreness is all but gone. I can actually eat stuff now, although it’s got to be stuff that’s already in smallish bits…taking big bites out of things is a little beyond me at the moment. 😉

I’m going to go in Monday week and get a shorter barbell put in, so I don’t chip my teeth off, heh. Might possibly get one of those funky ones that have like glow-in-the-dark dice or stuff on the top.

We have tongue pierceage! The needles the doctor stuck in my tongue (for the anaesthetic) hurt more than the actual piercing process (which I didn’t feel at all).

At the moment it’s feeling somewhat sore…sorta like when you bite your tongue really hard. I’ve got to scrub my tongue with antiseptic after every time I eat or drink, which’ll be slightly annoying, although much preferable to getting it infected. 😉

I’d post pics, but I don’t have access to a digital camera. 🙁