Well, balls.

I’m seeing Lacuna Coil and DevilDriver tonight. The confirmation email I got when I ordered the tickets said 5pm so I left work an hour early. I get here and there are very few people here so I fire up the ticket place’s website (hurrah for iPhones!) and it says 7:30pm. God dammit!

At least I have my music. Sigh. ::twiddles thumbs::

Looks like there’s a new version of the iPhone LiveJournal app. I wonder if the stability has improved any.

And you can always tell when I’m bored on the bus because I’ll be either Twittering or updating LJ. 😛 Come to think of it though, I do have a few episodes of Supernatural on here!

Bah! Standing on the bus for the lose.

And I think I’m starting to understand the point of Twitter now… save my LJ from being filled up with crap, heheh.

…and having said standing ftl, a woman just randomly got up and decided to get off the bus. Woo seatage!

There’s an app for the iPhone called Mobile Fotos that lets you browse and upload photos to Flickr directly from the phone. It can even embed the location data of where you are before it uploads. Very cool.

In practice though it’s not as much use, because for some reason instead of reading the embedded location data from the photo, Mobile Fotos just reads your current location, which is where you are when the photo is uploaded. That doesn’t really result in very accurate geotagging unfortunately. 🙁

And whee, I managed to get through an entire LiveJournal post without this iPhone LJ client crashing!