I was talking to a colleague at work yesterday, the topic got onto our early forays onto the internet, and I realised that I’ve been VirtualWolf online for very close to ten years now.

I went looking through a folder of old files from years ago (I have a school assignment from 1994!) for the first references to my current nick. The very earliest website I still have is from March 1998, although I’m sure I had a couple of ones before that, I just must not have saved them. My nick back then was “DevlinSlayer” (I was a huge Marathon Trilogy fan, the “Devlin” part was taken from a total conversion called Marathon Evil). It seems “VirtualWolf” didn’t come about until somewhere between the end of 1998 and March-ish 1999.

I’m amazed it’s been ten years, that’s crazy.

I was up at mum and dad’s this evening, playing around with my camera and flash. I did the initial exposure on the sky, then hit the Exposure Lock button and recomposed it against the trees, with the flash on. I think they came out very interestingly!

And of course, a couple of Lily!



Looks like there’s a new version of the iPhone LiveJournal app. I wonder if the stability has improved any.

And you can always tell when I’m bored on the bus because I’ll be either Twittering or updating LJ. 😛 Come to think of it though, I do have a few episodes of Supernatural on here!

I was playing around the other day and took this photo of me. I quite like how it came out.


kungfupolarbear, I adjusted it slightly from when you saw it, to bump the contrast and colours up a touch. 🙂

And I just realised I missed uploading one of the good photos of Lily I took the other week at mum and dad’s!


Curse my lack of monetary funds! I’ve been reading all the threads on the Audio/Visual Club forum on Ars Technica about photography and DSLRs and so forth, and am so wanting to get a DSLR. I’m thinking a 450D and stock lens to start with, but I so very can’t afford it for the next few months, heh.

(Lack of instant gratification)–