I swear the process for getting a visa to get kungfupolarbear moved over here is ridiculous. I’m looking through all the forms and information on the website, and there’s no one single “THIS IS THE SHIT YOU NEED AND WE’VE ACTUALLY INCLUDED IT ALL IN ONE PLACE” page. It’s all scattered over about three PDFs and a whole shitload of pages on the Immigration site.

It wouldn’t surprise me if it was deliberately done like that, but jesus christ. I’ve had to make my own checklist of stuff and am currently actually using my three monitor setup to its fullest extent… PDFs and webpages open all over the place!


Also, kungfupolarbear wasn’t kidding about the band Unheilig… they’re fucking awesome!

Well, after all my glee in my last post, Lily had an absolutely atrocious night. 🙁

She woke up a bit before 1, I just put her dummy back in and she went back to sleep. Unfortunately she woke again at 3, with her nose totally blocked again. I attempted to give her another good squirt of saline solution, but I didn’t want to wake my roommates up with her crying. I brought her into my room and put her in bed, and she kept stirring and crying out for a good couple of hours. I finally got to sleep again at 5, and woke up an hour later to her stirring more (she wasn’t crying, just moving about, but I’m quite a light sleeper).

All up I probably got about three or four hours sleep last night. I was intending on having a nap on the bus on the way in to work, but I remained stubbornly awake. 🙁 On the bright side I’m a lot more awake than I was expecting to be.

I actually really truly felt like a father tonight.

I put Lily down a bit past 9, and stayed in the room with her for a while as she kept crying when I went to leave. She eventually fell asleep and I went out into the lounge room. About an hour later she started crying again, I went in and she was rolling around in her cot a bit with her dummy half in her mouth, trying to breathe. Her nose was completely blocked up.

She was crying fairly severely by this point, I went out and got the baby cold/flu drops and managed to give her some, although she was crying even more now because she was still mostly asleep and not sure what was going on.

I grabbed the baby saline sinus drops and picked her out of the cot, popped her down on my bed and attempted, mostly successfully, to give her a good squirt or two up each nostril. She was thrashing around quite a bit and crying a whole lot, understandably. Once I was done I was just lying next to her while she calmed down, just talking softly to her. I was lying on my side with my head on the pillow, and she actually rolled into me and curled up as she went to sleep.

I know it probably sounds silly, but I’m really proud of myself… I didn’t freak out or have to call mum for advice, I quickly worked out why she was crying and sorted it out, and she calmed down and fell back sleep with me holding her.


Dammit, I want to go home. I’m totally over today.

It’s not even any one particular thing that’s annoying me, I’m just sick of it all!


What Your Taste In Art Says About You test

Your result for What Your Taste in Art Says About You Test…

Non-conformist, Visionary, and Independent

20 Abstract, -15 Islamic, -11 Ukiyo-e, 14 Cubist, -17 Impressionist and -26 Renaissance!

People that chose abstract art as their preferred artform tend to be visionsaries. They see things in the world around them and in people that others may miss because they look beyond what is visual only with the eye. They rely on their inner thoughts and feelings in dealing with the world around them instead of on what they are told they should think and feel. They feel freed from the tendancy to be bound by traditional thought and experiences. They look more toward their own ideas and experiences than what they are told by their religious upbringing or from scientific evidence. They tend to like to prove theories themselves instead of relying on the insight or ideas of others. They are not bound by common and mundane, but like to travel and have new experiences. They value intelligence, but they also enjoy a challenge. They can be rather argumentative when they are being forced or feel as if they are being forced to conform.

Take What Your Taste in Art Says About You Test at HelloQuizzy