Yes, it’s more photos.


It’s pissing down here at the moment, rumbling with thunder, everything’s all wet, dripping, and reflective, so I figured I’d see if I could get some good photos.

A Rainy Day.

I’ve been mucking around a bit with the video capabilities of my new camera… it takes 30fps which is excellent. It saves files as AVIs, QuickTime Player reports the codec is “Apple OpenDML JPEG”, bitrate is ~15Mbps.

I exported one to 1500Kbps H.264, and it’s all but indistinguishable from the original!


Nightwish was fucking awesome. The new vocalist is extremely good!

I’ve uploaded a bunch of photos. The only disappointment — and it’s not even anything to do with the band — is that they actually divided the venue up into two… people who ordered their tickets early got directly in front of the stage, and those of us that got them a bit later were a reasonable distance back, and we couldn’t get any closer. 🙁 I was really looking forward to getting some good pics from the front, and good christ I wish I’d been in the moshpit, it was going off.

All in all through, I’m very fucking impressed!

There’s a handful of movies I took as well, I’ll upload them later. Right now I’m crashing into bed!


I was tooling around again yesterday evening with the super-macro mode on my camera, took some shots of my guitar.

My Guitar in Close-up.

I took a few night-time long exposure shots just before I went to bed too, but haven’t gotten around to uploading them.

And I’m going to see Nightwish tonight! I’ve brought my actual (now old) camera — the Canon Ixus 500 — and will see if I can snap some actual good pics. 😉

New shiny!

kungfupolarbear and I were talking about what camera she was thinking of getting (Canon PowerShot S3IS), I saw the review and it can take video at 640×480 and 30fps. I was thinking of putting the $250 of gift vouchers I got for Christmas for JB Hi-fi towards a video camera for taking decent videos of Lily, but then decided to go down to the Mall and see if they had the S3.

They didn’t, but apparently that camera is about three or four years old now, and they had the S5IS instead. With the gift vouchers (and $50 off the RRP because the last model they had was the one on display) I got that plus a 4GB SD card for $406. 😀 😀

I’m now busy taking photos of everything. 😉

Lily’s definitely mine and Sammi’s daughter… she was being a snot and just not going to sleep, even though she was rubbing her eyes and could barely keep them open. She was just crying at everything.

I put on the video for Bloodrocuted by Dethklok, and she fell straight asleep!

Hee! I’m watching through all of Buffy and Angel again, mostly in the morning when I’m feeding Lily. Whenever the opening title sequence for Buffy comes on, Lily stops what she’s doing and watches it. 😀