We had “Managing customer complaints” training yesterday and today. Quite a bit of it was actually what we do already (hear the customer out first, let them vent, then probing/troubleshooting, etc), but there was some quite interesting stuff about different behavioural styles. I’ll try to remember to bring it home tomorrow evening and post it.

And now on a totally different optic, it’s time for that LJ comments stats thingy!

Who’s been commenting in your journal?

1 virtualwolf 205 comments 27.7% of total
2 xenex 116 comments 15.68% of total
3 zerotime 64 comments 8.65% of total
4 minga 48 comments 6.49% of total
5 __stripped 40 comments 5.41% of total
6 noogles 29 comments 3.92% of total
7 biodecay 13 comments 1.76% of total
8 bimbogrrl 13 comments 1.76% of total
9 goldspe 12 comments 1.62% of total
10 causa 11 comments 1.49% of total
11 gigglznwrigglz 11 comments 1.49% of total
12 kungfupolarbear 11 comments 1.49% of total
13 thristian 10 comments 1.35% of total
14 sapia 10 comments 1.35% of total
15 rubycoffin 10 comments 1.35% of total
16 callirrhoe 9 comments 1.22% of total
17 corvx 8 comments 1.08% of total
18 katez 8 comments 1.08% of total
19 pureawakening 7 comments 0.95% of total
20 mez_85 6 comments 0.81% of total
21 satanic_angel 6 comments 0.81% of total
22 thatjacq 5 comments 0.68% of total
23 thjorska 5 comments 0.68% of total
24 das 5 comments 0.68% of total
25 semsei 5 comments 0.68% of total
26 whargoul 5 comments 0.68% of total
27 qousqous 5 comments 0.68% of total
28 mikeybidness 5 comments 0.68% of total
29 toastmaniscool 4 comments 0.54% of total
30 bensjournal 4 comments 0.54% of total
31 maryann_ 4 comments 0.54% of total
32 cruxdestruct 3 comments 0.41% of total
33 czarkhan 3 comments 0.41% of total
34 bz2 3 comments 0.41% of total
35 darkjudicator 3 comments 0.41% of total
36 childhood 3 comments 0.41% of total
37 psionicman 3 comments 0.41% of total
38 jeff_f 2 comments 0.27% of total
39 chani3 2 comments 0.27% of total
40 fuzzie 2 comments 0.27% of total
41 tamsta 2 comments 0.27% of total
42 devon_hart 2 comments 0.27% of total
43 katieelizabeth 2 comments 0.27% of total
44 graceness 2 comments 0.27% of total
45 kensey 2 comments 0.27% of total
46 tannymonster 1 comments 0.14% of total
47 littlemonkielov 1 comments 0.14% of total
48 sneakums 1 comments 0.14% of total
49 ves 1 comments 0.14% of total
50 parttimecoconut 1 comments 0.14% of total
51 wamckee 1 comments 0.14% of total
52 wirobro 1 comments 0.14% of total
53 doulos 1 comments 0.14% of total
54 ravenshadow 1 comments 0.14% of total
55 dweialeitha 1 comments 0.14% of total
56 stuntgrrl 1 comments 0.14% of total
57 deadballet 1 comments 0.14% of total

These statistics were generated using the LJ Stats Web Interface by mpnolan. Original idea from scrapdog‘s LJ Comment Stats Wizard.

EDIT: And also the disease thingy.

What kind of disease are you?


VirtualWolf is caused by Satan.

VirtualWolf infection produces a strange imbalance in the cochlea, causing subject to fall unless walking on hands.
To cure VirtualWolf, bathe in the blood of your enemies.


Bow down before the power of SATAN! \m/ Or something.

Wow. I was just looking at the extended info on my LJ userinfo page, and realised my two-year LJ anniversary was on the 5th of this month. 🙂 I can’t believe it’s gone that fast.

200 journal entries, 1068 comments posted, 732 received.

And I’m very near 2000 posts on the Ars Technica forums, and I registered there on the 9th of March 2001. Over three years ago! Times flies when you’re having fun. 🙂

Wow, that was a bit of excitement! Dad came into my room and said to come and have a look at the smoke. Went out onto our back deck, which looks out onto the valley, and there was quite a lot of smoke…we couldn’t even see the other hills. There was a sound of fire truck sirens in the distance, which seemed to be getting closer. And closer…and closer…

It’s quite amazing how much a smoky night can carry lights…the whole valley was just about lit up from the lights from the fire trucks. They turned into the street just down from ours, but ended up going right down to the end of it, fortunately (we’re about half-way up the street). We’re not sure, but it certainly looked (and smelt) like it was a house that was on fire, rather than just bush. We could see the flames from the street, but the firefighters put it out in fairly short order. I’m sure we’ll read all about it in tomorrow’s paper!

Word. Last night was quite fun. 🙂 We went down to Brooky pub, had lots of drinks and sent lots of random drunk SMSs, and had a big long rambling conversation with gigglznwrigglz after we got kicked out, through the taxi ride to my friend’s place, and for another like hour and a quarter/hour and a half after that. 🙂

Woo! Just snagged Otep’s latest album.

And our LAN yesterday/last night rocked. 🙂 We played lots and lots of Warcraft III on all these funky maps. In fact, we didn’t actually play /any/ standard WC3.

Woo, we’re having a mini-LAN at my friend’s place tomorrow. 🙂 Lots of Warcraft III to be played! And no need to lug lots of shit over, now that I’ve got my PowerBook. 😀

Heh…I look that test that katez linked to in her journal.

Your subconscious mind is driven most by Curiosity

This means you are full of questions about life, people, and the potential of your future. You spend more time than others envisioning the possibilities of your life — things that others are too afraid to consider.

Your curiosity burns with an almost physical need to know and do more. It’s only through new experiences that you feel a greater understanding of yourself or the world — which ultimately is the greatest way for you to feel satisfied.

It is possible that the underlying reason for your drive towards curiosity is a deeply rooted fear of boredom. That means that you are probably more susceptible than others to feel like you’re falling into a rut when life slows down into a comfortable routine.

You need to make sure you have stimulation in your life — that makes you feel like you’re innovating or being exposed to the ideas and experiences that truly inspire you.

With such a strong orientation towards curiosity, you’re also prone to a rebellious quality that shows up when you feel you are just going through the motions, and are unable to really influence the world around you. But interestingly enough, your drive towards novel experiences also indicates an openness others don’t have, but wish they did.

Unconsciously, your curiosity presses you to learn more, experience more, and get the most out of life.

Though your unconscious mind is driven most strongly by Curiosity, there is much more to who you are at your core.

Yes, well…heh.

And woo, it’s meant to get mad coldx0rz tonight. 😀