Well, last night was entirely uneventful. A few friends were going into the city, but I couldn’t be bothered.

Tonight we’re heading over to a friend’s house for drinks. 🙂

Woo, long weekend! We’re meant to be having a LAN party, but I don’t know if it’s actually going to happen…we haven’t even organised whose house it’ll be at yet.

And come Monday week after next, I’m no longer going to be working at Maccas…I’ll be at Apple instead. 😀 I’m going to be doing tech support. And the $18/hour is rather tasty too. 😉 (As opposed to the $13.80 I’m getting at the moment. (Note to Americans: That’s in AU$, before you make any comments. ;P)).

I’m going to move my plans for getting an engine immobiliser/remote keyless entry/central locking up a bit now…some motherfucker broke into my sister’s Charade last night. Fortunately there’s nothing worth stealing in there, but still. ;( They got in by bending the top of the driver’s side door back (!) far enough so they could unlock the door. I seriously doubt you could do that with my Corolla, as the doors are much more solidly built, but better safe than sorry. Fuckers.

Hurrah for nice clean cars

My car is all nice and sparkling clean now, windows cleaned, floor vacuumed. 🙂 The rain we’ve had recently has been really dirty…there was this layer of red dust and muck on the car, which gets turned to mud even when the rain is clean. And when it’s dirty…ick.

On Friday night we went over to my friend’s house for an Xbox night. Unfortunately, the other people that usually come to such events were elsewhere, so there were only 4 of us. And one left at about midnight. As it turns out, we didn’t get much Xbox’ing done anyway…it was more sitting around drinking and talking. 🙂 Multiplayer MechAssault is quite fun, and I’m looking forward to playing it online when Xbox Live launches over here next month.

We spent Saturday afternoon and part of the evening playing Super Smash Brothers Melée. I actually bought the game a while ago, but sold it because I didn’t like it. Once I got the hang of it, though, it’s really quite fun. (It also helps when you have 4 friends handy to play against, rather than just playing single player).

And Saturday night was entirely uneventful…I was too tired to do anything. Some of my friends went to see either Tomb Raider II or Pirates Of The Carribean…I don’t know which they ended up with.

Well, we had my friend’s 21st last night. It wasn’t bad, but knowing we had to drive home the next day sort of put a damper on things. :\

However, I now have most of a case of Bundy and coke left. 😀

Woo. Xbox night tomorrow night, then we’re going up to Lake Macquarie for a friend’s 21st on Saturday afternoon/night. 🙂

What will your Funeral be like? by rashock
You will die by: You always were kinky in your sex life and took it just a bit to far. You died over doing breath control, blood play, or some other strange kink.
Death Date: November 23, 2045
Number attending your funeral? 54
How much will you leave to friends and family? $1,770,620
Created with quill18‘s MemeGen!

Cars really are a money sink, heh. All my rego and stuff is coming up…I’ve paid $573 for the greenslip, just got my rego check then ($28), and my rego costs about $220. And I swear there was something else I’ve forgotten…

I went on another of my mad cleaning sprees this evening. 🙂 And now that it’s all clean and tidy, I’ve updated the pics of my room on my website.

I had a relatively early night last night (I got about 5 hours sleep on Friday night) and got home from the pub at about 1:15am. Driving is the major win…I’m loving be able to go home whenever I want, quickly and easily. 🙂

We went down to the Mall today, and I pre-ordered Project Gotham Racing 2 for Xbox, and bought WarCraft II Battle.net edition, so we can crank out some WC2 at our next LAN. 😀 (Last one we had, there were distinct version mismatches…the PC guys had some old crappy DOS version).