Tag: photos
Some Lily!
Woo goodies from work!
I was playing around the other day and took this photo of me. I quite like how it came out.
kungfupolarbear, I adjusted it slightly from when you saw it, to bump the contrast and colours up a touch. 🙂
I’m going through and clearing up all the umpteen hundred photos I’ve taken while screwing around with my new flash, heh. I’ll upload some of the decent ones later, but I had to upload this photo now.
That was in the QVB’s carpark. I know it’s not original, but I giggled. You don’t see enough witty or intelligent graffiti these days. At least, I don’t anyway.
And I received a call from a very important person on Tuesday.
I was up at Mum and Dad’s this evening and took some photos of the clouds as the sun was going down. I think they came out very well!
While we’re on the topic of photography, I’m getting a Canon Speedlite 580EX II external flash for Christmas! (No, my parents aren’t so well off that they’re paying for the whole thing… I’m putting some money in for it too ;)). I’ve been busy reading up on photography techniques and what all the different terms mean, so I’m excited to see the difference an external flash will make for my photos!