HomePod, Docker on Raspberry Pi, and writing Homebridge plugins

Apple announced the HomePod “smart speaker” in 2017, and started shipping them in early 2018. I had zero interest the smart speaker side of things — I’d never have Google or Amazon’s voice assistants listening to everything I say, and despite trusting Apple a lot more with privacy compared to those two companies, the same goes for Siri — but the praise for the sound quality definitely piqued my interest, especially having set up shairplay-sync on the Raspberry Pi as an AirPlay target and enjoying the ease of streaming music to a good set of speakers. For AU$499 though, I wasn’t going to bother as the setup for the stereo system in our home office did a reasonable enough job. It consisted of an amplifier that was sitting next to my desk, going into an audio switchbox that sat next to my computer and could be switched between the headphone cable attached to my computer, and one that snaked across the floor to the other side to Kristina’s desk so she could plug into it, with the speakers were sitting on the bookshelves on opposite sides of the room (you can see how it looked in this post, the speakers are the black boxes visible on the bottom shelves closest to our desks).

Fast-forward to last week, and someone mentioned that JB Hi-Fi were having a big sale on the HomePod and it was only AU$299! The space behind my desk was already a rat’s nest of cables, and with the standing desk I’ve ordered from IKEA I was wanting to reduce the number of cables in use, and being able to get rid of a bunch of them and replace it with a HomePod, I decided to get in on it (it’s possible to turn the “Listen for ‘Hey Siri'” functionality off entirely).

It arrived on Tuesday, and to say I’m impressed with the sound quality is a bit of an understatement, especially given how diminutive it is. It has no trouble filling the whole room with sound, the highs are crystal clear, and if the song is bassy enough you can feel it through the floor! It shows up just as another AirPlay target so it’s super-easy to play music to it from my phone or computer. I took a photo of our new setup and you can see the HomePod sitting on the half-height bookshelf right at the bottom-left of the frame (the severe distortion is because I took the photo on our 5D4 with the 8-15mm Fisheye I borrowed from a friend, which requires turning lens corrections on to avoid having bizarrely-curved vertical lines, which in turn distorts the edges of the image quite a bit).

The setup and configuration of the HomePod is done via Apple’s Home app, which uses a framework called HomeKit to do all sorts of home automation stuff, and the HomePod is one of the devices that can work as the primary “hub” for HomeKit. I have no interest in home automation as such, but a selling point of the HomeKit is that’s a lot more secure than random other automation platforms, and one of the things it supports is temperature sensors. Someone wrote a Node.js application called Homebridge that lets you run third-party plugins and even write your own ones to appear and interact with in HomeKit, so I decided I’d see if I could hook up the temperature sensors that are attached to the Raspberry Pi(s)!

I’d ordered a 4GB Raspberry Pi 4B last month because I wanted to have a bit more grunt than the existing Pi 3B — which only has 1GB RAM — and to start using Docker with it, and it arrived on the 1st of this month. With that up and running inside in place of my original Raspberry Pi 3B, I moved the Pi 3B and the outside temperature sensor much further outside and attached it to our back room that’s in the backyard, because the previous position of the sensor underneath the pergola and next to the bricks of the house meant that in summer the outdoor temperatures would register hotter than the actual air temperature, and because the bricks absorb heat throughout the day, the temperatures remain higher for longer too.

Installing and configuring Homebridge

Next step was to set up Homebridge, which I did by way of the oznu/docker-homebridge image, which in turn meant getting Docker — and learning about Docker Compose and how handy it is, and thus installing it too! — installed first:

  1. Install Docker — curl -sSL https://get.docker.com | sh
  2. Install Docker Compose — sudo apt-get install docker-compose
  3. Grab the latest docker-homebridge image for Raspberry Pi — sudo docker pull oznu/homebridge:raspberry-pi
  4. Create a location for your Homebridge configuration to be stored — mkdir -p ~/homebridge/config

Lastly, write yourself a docker-compose.yml file inside ~/homebridge

version: '2'
    image: oznu/homebridge:raspberry-pi
    restart: always
    network_mode: host
      - ./config:/homebridge
      - PGID=1000
      - PUID=1000

Then bring the Homebridge container up by running sudo docker-compose up --detach from ~/homebridge. The UI is accessible at http://<address-of-your-pi>:8080 and logs can be viewed with sudo docker-compose logs -f.

The last step in getting Homebridge recognised from within the Home app is iOS is to open the Home app, tap the plus icon in the top-right and choose “Add accessory”, then scan the QR code that the Homebridge UI displays.

Writing your own Homebridge plugins

Having Homebridge recognised within the Home app isn’t very useful without plugins, and there was a lot of trial and error involved here because I was writing my own custom plugin rather than just installing one that’s been published to NPM, and I didn’t find any single “This is a tutorial on how to write your own plugin” pages.

Everything is configured inside ~/homebridge/config, which I’ll refer to as $CONFIG from now on.

Firstly, register your custom plugin so Homebridge knows about it by editing $CONFIG/package.json and editing the dependencies section to add your plugin. It has to be named homebridge-<something> to be picked up at all, I called mine homebridge-wolfhaus-temperature and so my $CONFIG/package.json looks like this:

  "private": true,
  "description": "This file keeps track of which plugins should be installed.",
  "dependencies": {
    "homebridge-dummy": "^0.4.0",
    "homebridge-wolfhaus-temperature": "*"

The actual code for the plugin needs to go into $CONFIG/node_modules/homebridge-<your-plugin-name>/, which itself is a Node.js package, which also needs its own package.json file located at $CONFIG/node_modules/homebridge-<your-plugin-name>/package.json. You can generate a skeleton one with npm init — assuming you have Node.js installed, if not, grab nvm and install it — but the key parts needed for a plugin to be recognised by Homebridge is adding the keywords and engine sections into your package.json:

  "name": "homebridge-wolfhaus-temperature",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "main": "index.js",
  "keywords": [
  "engines": {
    "homebridge": ">=0.4.53"

index.js is your actual plugin code that will be run when Homebridge calls it.

Once I got this out of the way, the last bit was a LOT of trial and error to actually get the plugin working with Homebridge and the Home app on my iPhone. The main sources of reference were these:

After several hours work, I had not the nicest code but working code (Update 2020-04-12 — moved to ES6 classes and it’s much cleaner), and I’ve uploaded it to GitHub.

The final bit of the puzzle is telling Homebridge about the accessories, which are the things that actually show inside the Home app on iOS. For this, you need to edit $CONFIG/config.json and edit the accessories section to include your new accessories, which will use the plugin that was just written:

    "bridge": {
        "name": "Traverse",
    "accessories": [
            "accessory": "WolfhausTemperature",
            "name": "Outdoor Temperature",
            "url": "http://pi:3000/rest/outdoor"
            "accessory": "WolfhausTemperature",
            "name": "Indoor Temperature",
            "url": "http://fourbee:3000/rest/indoor"
    "platforms": []

The url is the REST endpoint that my pi-sensor-reader runs for the indoor and outdoor sensors, and the name needs to be unique per accessory.

Homebridge needs restarting after all these changes, but once you’re done, you’ll have two new accessories showing in Home!

They initially appear in the “Default Room”, you can add an “Indoor” and “Outdoor” room to put them into by tapping on the Rooms icon in the bottom bar, then tapping the hamburger menu at the top-left, choosing Room Settings > Add Room, then long-pressing on the temperature accessory itself and tapping the settings cog at the bottom-right and selecting a different room for it to go into.

What’s next?

As part of doing all this, I moved all of my public Git repositories over to GitHub where they’re more likely to be actually seen by anybody and will hopefully help someone! I also updated my pi-sensor-reader to use docker-compose, and fully-updated the README to document all the various options.

Next on the Homebridge front is going to be tidying up the plugin code — including moving to async/await — and adding the humidity data to it!

Installing OpenWRT on a Netgear D7800 (Nighthawk X4S) router

I had blogged back in October of last year about setting up DNS over HTTPS, and it’s been very reliable, except for the parts where I’ve had to run Software Update on the Mac mini to pick up security update, and while it’s restarting all of our DNS resolution stops working! I’d come across OpenWRT a while back, which is an open-source and very extensible firmware for a whole variety of different routers, but I did a bunch of searching and hadn’t come across any reports of people fully-successfully using it on our specific router, the Netgear D7800 (also known as the Nighthawk X4S), just people having various problems. One of the reasons I was interested in OpenWRT because it’s Linux-based and extensible and I would be able to move the DHCP and DNS functionality off the Mac mini back onto the router where it belongs, and in theory bring the encrypted-DNS over as well.

I finally bit the bullet and decided to give installing it a go today, and it was surprisingly easy. I figured I’d document it here for posterity and in the hopes that it’ll help someone else out in the same position as I was.

Important note: The DSL/VDSL modem in the X4S is not supported under OpenWRT!


  1. Download the firmware file from the “Firmware OpenWrt Install URL” (not the Upgrade URL) on the D7800’s entry on OpenWRT.org.
  2. Make sure you have a TFTP client, macOS comes with the built-in tftp command line tool. This is used to transfer the firmware image to the router.
  3. Unplug everything from the router except power and the ethernet cable for the machine you’ll be using to install OpenWRT from (this can’t be done wirelessly).
  4. Set your machine to have a static IP address in the range of 192.168.1.something. The router will be .1.
  5. Reset the router back to factory settings by holding the reset button on the back of it in until the light starts flashing.
  6. Once it’s fully started up, turn it off entirely, hold the reset button in again and while still holding the button in, turn the router back on.
  7. Keep the reset button held in until the power light starts flashing white.

Now the OpenWRT firmware file needs to be transferred to the router via TFTP. Run tftp -e (-e turns on binary mode), then put <path to the firmware file>. It’ll transfer the file and then install it and reboot, this will take several minutes.

Once it’s up and running, the OpenWRT interface will be accessible at, with a username of root and no password. Set a password then follow the quick-start guide to turn on and secure the wifi radios — they’re off by default.

Additional dnsmasq configuration and DNS-over-TLS

I mentioned in my DNS-over-HTTPS post that I’d also set up dnsmasq to do local machine name resolution, this is very trivially set up in OpenWRT under Network > DHCP and DNS and putting in the MAC address and desired IP and machine name under the Static Leases section, then hitting Save & Apply.

The other part I wanted to replicate was having my DNS queries encrypted. In OpenWRT this isn’t easily possible with DNS-over-HTTPS, but is when using DNS-over-TLS, which gets you to the same end-state. It requires installing Stubby, a DNS stub resolver, that will forward DNS queries on to Cloudflare’s DNS.

  1. On the router, go to System > Software, install stubby.
  2. Go to System > Startup, ensure Stubby is listed as Enabled so it starts at boot.
  3. Go to Network > DHCP and DNS, under “DNS Forwardings” enter so dnsmasq will forward DNS queries on to stubby, which in turns reaches out to Cloudflare; Cloudflare’s DNS servers are configured by default. Stubby’s configuration can be viewed at /etc/config/stubby.
  4. Under the “Resolv and Hosts Files” tab, tick the “Ignore resolve file” box.
  5. Click Save & Apply.

Many thanks to Craig Andrews for his blog post on this subject!

Quality of Service (QoS)

The last thing I wanted to set up was QoS, which allows for prioritisation of traffic when your link is saturated. This was pretty straightforward as well, and just involved installing the luci-app-sqm package and following the official OpenWRT page to configure it!

Ongoing findings

I’ll update this section as I come across other little tweaks and changes I’ve needed to make.

Plex local access

We use Plex on the Xbox One as our media player (the Plex Media Software runs on the Mac mini), and I found that after installing OpenWRT on the router, the Plex client on the Xbox couldn’t find the server anymore despite being on the same LAN. I found a fix on Plex’s forums, which is to go to Network > DHCP and DNS, and add the domain plex.direct to the “Domain whitelist” field for the Rebind Protection setting.

Xbox Live and Plex Remote Access (January 2020)

Xbox Live is quite picky about its NAT settings, and requires UPnP to be enabled or you can end up with issues with voice chat or gameplay in multiplayer, and similarly Plex’s Remote Access requires UPnP as well. This isn’t provided by default with OpenWRT but can be installed with the luci-app-upnp and the configuration shows up under Services > UPnP in the top navbar. It doesn’t start by default, so tick the “Start UPnP and NAT-PMP service” and “Enable UPnP” boxes, then click Save & Apply.

Upgrading to a new major release (February 2020)

When I originally wrote this post I was running OpenWRT 18.06, and now that 19.07 has come out I figured I’d upgrade, and it was surprisingly straightforward!

  1. Connect to the router via ethernet, make sure your network interface is set to use DHCP.
  2. Log into the OpenWRT interface and go to System > Backup/Flash Firmware and generate a backup of the configuration files.
  3. Go to the device page on openwrt.org and download the “Firmware OpenWrt Upgrade” image (not the “Firmware OpenWrt Install” one).
  4. Go back to System > Backup/Flash Firmware, choose “Flash image” and select your newly-downloaded image.
  5. In the next screen, make sure “Keep settings and retain the current configuration” is not ticked and continue.
  6. Wait for the router light to stop flashing, then renew your DHCP lease (assuming you’d set it up to be something other than 192.168.1.x like I did).
  7. Log back into the router at and re-set your root password.
  8. Go back to System > Backup/Flash Firmware and restore the backup of the settings you made (then renew your DHCP lease again if you’d changed the default range).

I had a couple of conflicts with files in /etc/config between my configuration and the new default file, so I SSHed in and manually checked through them to see how they differed and updated them as necessary. After that it was just a case of re-installing the luci-app-sqm, luci-app-upnp, and stubby packages, and I was back in business!

Coding my own personal version of Facebook’s Memories feature

I deleted my Facebook account way back somewhere around 2009, but the one thing that Kristina shows me that I think is a neat idea is the “memories” feature, where it shows posts from previous years on that day in particular. I realised I could very much code something up myself to accomplish the same thing, given I have Media posts going back to 2009.

And so I did! By default it’ll show all posts that were made on this exact same date in each previous year (if any), excluding today’s, and you can also pick an arbitrary date and view all posts on that date for each previous year as well.

I was originally going to have it send me an email each day, but I quickly realised I couldn’t be bothered dealing with HTML emails and so it ended up in its current state. It’s not perfect, I’m still wrestling with timezones — if you view the main Memories page before 11am Sydney time, you’ll get yesterday’s date because 11am Sydney time is currently when the day switches over to the new day when it’s UTC time. If I do specify a Sydney time in my code, the automated tests fail on Bitbucket Cloud because they’re all running in UTC. I’m sure it’s fixable, I just haven’t had the brain capacity to sit down and work it out. 😛 Between this and my tag browser, it’s been pretty fun seeing old posts I’d forgotten about.

Update 21st December: I found these two posts about timezones in Postgres, and between them and firing up two Docker containers in UTC time for testing — one for Postgres and one for my code — I managed to get it fully working! 🎉

Of coding and a history of iPhone photo filter apps

I had last week off work, mostly due to being in desperate need of a holiday, I didn’t go anywhere but just chilled out at home. I did do a bunch of coding on my website though!

I’d been using Tumblr to post my random snaps from 2009 to about 2016 or so and cross-posting them to Twitter, before I found that Tweetbot had custom image posting functionality where you could post images to a URL that replied with a specific format and Tweetbot would use those image URLs in its tweets. I added functionality for that on my website and had been saving tweets and images directly since 2016.

Last year, it occurred to me that I should import my posts from Tumblr to my website in order to have everything in one place. I obsessively tag my Flickr photos and as a result am able to find almost anything I’ve taken a photo of very quickly, and while I hadn’t quite gone to those same levels of tagging with Tumblr, all my posts there had at least some basic tags on them that I wanted to preserve when bringing them in to my website, so I had coded up a tags system for my Media page and a script to scrape the Tumblr API and suck the posts, images, and tags in. I also wrote a very simple little React app to be able to continue adding tags to new posts I’m making directly to my website.

The one thing that was missing was the ability to see all of the current tags, and to search by tag, so this past week I’ve been doing exactly that! I have a page that shows all the tags that exist with links to view just the posts tagged with a given tag, and on the front page the tags that a post has are clickable as well.

I realised I had mucked up the tagging on a few posts so was going through and re-tagging and updating them, and it struck me just how much I used to rely on those camera filter apps to hide how shit photos from old iPhones used to be. One of the ways I’d tagged my photos on Tumblr, and I’ve continued this even now with the new direct-posting-via-a-custom-iOS-shortcut that I’ve got set up on my iPhone, is with the name of app I used to edit the photo. Going roughly chronologically as I started using each app:

Instagram was only a very brief foray, and VSCOCam was by far my most-used app. Unfortunately it went downhill a couple of years ago and they Androidified it and now all of the icons are utterly inscrutable and you also can’t get RAW files taken from within the app back out again in anything but JPEG. Apparently there’s a thing called a VSCO Girl which I suspect is part of what happened there.

My most recent editing app prior to getting the iPhone 11 Pro has been Darkroom, it’s extremely slick and integrates directly with the regular photo library on your phone and offers a similar style of film-esque presets to VSCOCam, though fewer in number.

With the iPhone 11 Pro, however, the image quality is good enough that I don’t even feel the need to add obviously-film-looking presets to the images. I take the photo, hit the “Auto” button in Photos.app to add a bit of contrast, and usually use the “Vivid” preset to bring the colours up a bit, but otherwise they’re pretty natural-looking.

That said, I’ll probably end up heading back to Darkroom at some point as I do like my film aesthetic!

More coding adventures: Migrating to TypeScript and Express.js

Three and a half years ago I blogged about learning Javascript and Node.js, and then again at the start of 2018 about my progress and also learning React, and I figured it was about time for another update! This time it’s been moving from Sails.js (which is a web framework based on Express.js) to using raw Express itself and moving the language from Javascript to TypeScript (TypeScript is basically Javascript, except with type-checking).

At work, we migrated the codebase of the server that runs our internal platform-as-a-service from Javascript to TypeScript, and I figured it seemed like a neat thing to learn. TypeScript ultimately gets compiled down to Javascript, and I started by trying to just write my Sails.js modules as TypeScript and have them compiled to Javascript in the locations that Sails expected them to be in, but this proved to be a fair bit of a pain so I figured I’d just go whole-hog and move to raw Express.js while I was at it.

I did a whole heap of reading, and ended up coming across this absolutely excellent series of blog posts that takes you through using Express and TypeScript step by step. It took about a month all up, and you can really see how much code was removed (this excludes Node’s package-lock.json file because it’s massive):

$ git diff --stat a95f378 47f7a56 -- . ':(exclude)package-lock.json'
 151 files changed, 2183 insertions(+), 4719 deletions(-)

My website looks absolutely no different in any way, shape, or form after all of this, but when writing code it’s quite nice having all of Visual Studio Code‘s smarts (things like complaining when you’ve missed a required parameter when calling a function, auto-completion, and on).

Having moved to raw Express.js from Sails.js means I have a much better understanding of how it all works under the bonnet… Sails is great for getting up and running quickly, but there’s a lot of magic that happens in order to accomplish that, and more than once I’ve run into the boundaries of where the magic ends and have had to try to hack my way around it. Express by itself is a lot more widely-used than Sails too, so if I run into problems I generally have an easier time finding an answer to it!

Configuring a virtual machine with Linode StackScripts

Configuring a virtual machine with Linode StackScripts

I’ve been using Linode to host myself a Linux virtual machine since 2011, originally so I could run Jira on it (now long since moved to a cloud-hosted instance), since my entire job was supporting it back then, and also just generally to dabble with Linux and the command line. I started out with CentOS 5 as that’s what we were using at work at the time, and slowly installed more and more random things on it.

When I decided it was time to upgrade to CentOS 7 in 2015, I put together a page in Confluence noting down each thing I was doing, as I was starting with a fresh new virtual machine and migrating only the bits and pieces I needed to it. That was better, but still ended up with a bit of a sprawling page and me forgetting to update it after I’d completed the initial migration. I eventually shut down my whole Dreamhost account and moved solely to having my website and blog and various miscellany (15 years worth of images from LiveJournal entries and posts on Ars Technica, as two examples) hosted on the Linode. Unfortunately I wrote down absolutely none of how I configured it all!

As part of playing around with my YubiKey and setting up GPG agent forwarding, I discovered that the version of GnuPG that CentOS 7 ships with is too old to support agent forwarding from newer versions, so I decided to spin up a new Linode but with Debian 9 instead (since thatdoes support agent forwarding), and migrate everything to it. This time, however, I would do it programatically!

Linode have a thing called StackScripts that let you start up a fresh VM and run a bunch of commands on boot to configure it how you need. Over the course of probably two months, I built up a Bash script to install and configure all my various software packages at boot to a fresh Debian 9 machine to configure it how I needed, and with everything stored in a Git repository. That included also adding Git repositories with my Nginx and systemd configurations as well as running a script on my existing CentOS 7 VM to grab database dumps of my website and our respective blogs, as well as the aforementioned 15 years’ worth of images and other files.

The end result is a ~500 line Bash script that’s version-controlled so I can see exactly what I did, with any new changes I’m making since I cut over to the Debian VM being saved in that as well, and the same with my systemd/Nginx/everything-else configuration! As long as I’m disciplined about remembering to update my StackScript when I make software changes, whenever the next big move to a new VM is should be a hell of a lot simpler.

Installing Linux Mint 19.1 on a Late-2010 MacBook Air

Installing Linux Mint 19.1 on a Late-2010 MacBook Air

(Update December 2022: As suggested in the latest comments, this entire blog post is pretty much redundant now! Linux Mint 21.1 installs without a hitch, even using Cinnamon, and I have fully-functional brightness and sound keys straight out of the box.)

(Update December 2020: I successfully upgraded from Linux Mint 19.3 to Linux Mint 20 by following the official Linux Mint instructions. The only additional post-upgrade work I had to do was re-adding the Section "Device" bit to /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/nvidia-drm-outputclass-ubuntu.conf as described below to get the brightness keys working again.)

(Update May 2020: I’ve re-run through this whole process using Linux Mint 19.3 and have updated this blog post with new details. Notably, no need to install pommed, and including the specific voodoo needed for the 2010 MacBook Air from Ask Ubuntu regarding PCI-E bus identifiers.)

We have a still perfectly usable Late-2010 MacBook Air (“MacBookAir3,2”, model number A1369), but with macOS 10.14 Mojave dropping support for Macs older than 2012 (it’s possible to extremely-hackily install it on older machines but I’d rather not go down that route), I decided I’d try installing Linux on it. The MacBook Air still works fine, if a bit slow, on macOS 10.13 but I felt like a bit of nerding!


My distribution of choice was Linux Mint, which is Ubuntu-based but less with the constant changes that Canonical keep making. The first hurdle right out of the gate was which “edition” to choose: Cinnamon, MATE, or xfce. There was zero info on the website about which to choose, I started with Cinnamon but that kept crashing when booting from the installation ISO and giving me a message about being in fallback mode. It turns out Cinnamon is the one with all the graphical bells and whistles, and it appears that an eight-year ultralight laptop’s video card isn’t up to snuff, so I ended up on “MATE” edition, which looks pretty much identical but works fine.

My installation method was using Raspberry Pi Imager to write the installation ISO to a spare SD card (despite the name, it can be used to write any ISO: scroll all the way down in the “Choose OS” dialog and select “Use custom”). Installing Linux requires you to partition the SSD using Disk Utility, I added a 2GB partition for the /boot partition, and another 100GB to install Linux itself onto. It doesn’t matter which format you choose as it’ll be reformatted as part of the installation process.

After partitioning, reboot with the SD card in and the Option key held down, and choose the “EFI Boot” option. The installer is quite straightforward, but I chose the custom option when it asked how to format the drive, formatted both the 2GB and 100GB partitions as ext4, with the 2GB one mounted at /boot and the 100GB at /. The other part is to install the bootloader onto that /boot partition, to make it easy to get rid of everything if you want to go back to single-partition macOS and no Linux.


The next hurdle was video card drivers. Mint comes with an open-source video card driver called “Nouveau” which works but isn’t very performant, and there was lots of screen tearing as I’d scroll or move windows around. This being Linux, it was naturally not as simple as just installing the official Nvidia one and being done with, because that resulted in a black screen at boot. 😛 I did a massive amount of searching and eventually stumbled across this answer on AskUbuntu which worked where nothing else did: I followed those instructions and was able to successfully install the official Nvidia drivers without getting a black screen on boot!

(Update May 2020: I honestly don’t remember whether I had to go through Step 1 of Andreas’ instructions, “Install Ubuntu in UEFI mode with the Nvidia drivers”, but check for the existence of the directory /sys/firmware before running the rest of this. That directory is only created if you’ve booted in EFI mode. If it doesn’t exist, follow the link in Step 1).

I’m copying the details here for posterity, in case something happens to that answer, but all credit goes to Andreas there. These details are specifically for the Late 2010 MacBook Air with a GeForce 320M video card, so using this on something else might very well break things.

Create the file /etc/grub.d/01_enable_vga.conf and paste the following contents into it:

cat << EOF
setpci -s "00:17.0" 3e.b=8
setpci -s "02:00.0" 04.b=7

Then make the new file executable and update the grub config files:

$ sudo chmod 755 /etc/grub.d/01_enable_vga.conf
$ sudo update-grub

And then restart. Double-check that the register values have been set to 8 for the bridge device and 7 for the display device:

 $ sudo setpci -s "00:17.0" 3e.b
 $ sudo setpci -s "02:00.0" 04.b

Next, load up the “Driver Manager” control panel and set the machine to use the Nvidia drivers, once it’s finished doing its thing — which took a couple of minutes — restart once more, and you’ll be running with the much-more-performant Nvidia drivers!

At this point I realised that the brightness keys on the keyboard didn’t work. Cue a whole bunch more searching, with fix being to add the following snippet to the bottom of /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/nvidia-drm-outputclass-ubuntu.conf:

Section "Device"
  Identifier     "Device0"
  Driver         "nvidia"
  VendorName     "NVIDIA Corporation"
  BoardName      "GeForce 320M"
  Option         "RegistryDwords" "EnableBrightnessControl=1"

And now I have a fully-functioning Linux installation, with working sleep+wake, audio, wifi, and brightness!

I’m certainly not going to be switching to it full-time, and it feels like a lot more fragile than macOS, but it’s fun to muck around with a new operating system. And with 1Password X, I’m able to use 1Password within Firefox under Linux too!

More fun with Yubikey: Signed Git commits and GPG agent forwarding

I’ve been on a “What other neat things can I do with my Yubikey” kick after my last post, and it turns out one of those neat things is to cryptographically sign Git commits. This allows you to prove that the owner of a particular GPG key is actually the person who committed the code. 

Setting up signed Git commits locally is very easy, run git config --global user.signingkey "<ID of your GPG signing subkey>" (mine is C65E91ED24C34F59 as shown in the screenshot below), then run your Git commit normally but with the added flag -S to sign it.

Bitbucket Cloud doesn’t currently support displaying signed Git commits in the UI, but you can do it on GitHub and you get a shiny little “Verified” badge next to each one and this message when you click on it:

You can also show it locally with git log --show-signature.

This is all well and good, but what if you want to sign something on a remote server that you’re connected to via SSH? Enter GPG agent forwarding!

Just like you can do SSH agent forwarding to have your private SSH key securely forwarded to a machine you’re connecting to, you can do the same with the GPG agent that stores your GPG keys and allow it to access your signing subkey. Setting up GPG agent forwarding is broadly straightforward, but make a note of which versions of GNUPG you’re running at each end. The “modern” version is 2.1 and higher, I’m running 2.2.x on my Macs but my Linode runs CentOS 7 which only comes with GPUPG 2.0.x and I wasn’t able to fully get agent forwarding working between it and 2.2.x on my Macs. I tested the latest Debian with 2.1 and that worked.

I followed this guide, but one extremely important note is that you can’t use a relative path for the local or remote sockets, they have to be the full absolute path. This becomes a pain when you’re connecting to and from different OSes or machines where your username differs. Thankfully, SSH has a Match exec option where you can run a command to match different hosts and use different host definitions (and thus put in different paths for the sockets) depending on your local and remote machines.

Mine looks like this :

# Source machine is a personal Mac, connecting to another personal Mac on my local network; the local network all uses the .core domain internally
Match exec "hostname | grep -F .core" Host *.core
RemoteForward /Users/virtualwolf/.gnupg/S.gpg-agent /Users/virtualwolf/.gnupg/S.gpg-agent.extra

# Source machine is a personal Mac, connecting to my Linux box
Match exec "hostname | grep -F .core" Host {name of the Host block for my Linode}
RemoteForward /home/virtualwolf/.gnupg/S.gpg-agent /Users/virtualwolf/.gnupg/S.gpg-agent.extra

# Source machine is my work Mac, connecting to my Linux box
Match exec "hostname | grep -F {work machine hostname}" Host {name of the Host block for my Linode}
RemoteForward /home/virtualwolf/.gnupg/S.gpg-agent /Users/{work username}/.gnupg/S.gpg-agent.extra

(Yes, technically this doesn’t work as I mentioned at the start due to my Linode being on CentOS 7 and having GNUPG 2.0, but the socket forwarding bit works, just not when I actually want to do anything with it. :P)

Nginx, PHP-FPM, and Cloudflare, oh my!

I use my Linode to host a number of things (this blog and Kristina’s, my website and Kristina’s, an IRC session via tmux and irssi for a friend and me, and probably another thing or two I’m forgetting). Kristina started up a travel blog a few months ago which I’m also hosting on it, and shortly after that point I found that maybe once every two weeks or so my website and our blogs weren’t running anymore. I looked into it and it was being caused by Linux’s Out-Of-Memory Killer, which kicks in when the system is critically low on memory and needs to free some up, killing the Docker container that my website runs in as well as MariaDB.

The main cause was Apache and MariaDB using up entirely too much memory for my little 1GB Linode, it was evidently just sitting on this side of stable with two WordPress blogs but adding a third seems like it tipped it over the edge. The reason MariaDB and my website’s Docker container were being killed is because although Apache was using up a heap of memory it was spread over a number of worker threads, so individually none of those were high, and MariaDB and my website were the largest on the list. There’s lots of tweaks you can do, several of which I tried, but all that happened was that it delayed the inevitable rather than entirely resolving it. Apache is powerful but low-resource-usage it ain’t. The primary low-resource-usage alternative to Apache is Nginx, so I figured this weekend I’d have a crack at moving over to that.

Overall it was pretty straightforward, this guide from Digital Ocean was a good starting point, the bits where it fell short was mostly just a case of looking up all of the equivalent directives for SSL, mapping to filesystem locations, etc. (I have ~15 years of history of hosted images I’ve posted on the Ars Technica  forums and my old LiveJournal—which is now this blog—and wanted to make sure those links all kept working). 

One difference is with getting WordPress going… WordPress is all PHP, and Apache by default runs PHP code inside the Apache process itself via mod_php, whereas when you’re using Nginx you have to be using PHP-FPM or similar which is an entirely separate process that runs on the server and that Nginx talks to to process the PHP code. I mostly followed this guide, also from Digital Ocean though there were a couple of extra gotchas I ran into when getting it fully going with Nginx for WordPress:

  • Edit /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params and add a new line with this content or you’ll end up with nothing but an empty blank page: fastcgi_param PATH_TRANSLATED $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
  • Remember to change the ownership of the WordPress installation directory to the nginx user instead of  apache
  • The default settings for PHP-FPM assume it’s running on a box with significantly more than 2GB of RAM; edit /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf and change the line that says pm = dynamic to be pm = ondemand; with ondemand PHP-FPM will spin up worker processes as needed but will kill off idle ones after ten seconds rather than leaving them around indefinitely.

Additionally, Nginx doesn’t support .htaccess files so if you’ve got WordPress set up to use any of the “pretty”-type links, you’ll end up with 404s when you try to view an individual post instead. The fix is to put the following into the server block at the bottom:

location / {
  try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;

So it’ll pass the correct arguments to WordPress’ index.php file. You’ll also want to block access to any existing .htaccess files as well:

location ~ /\.ht {
  deny all;

The last thing I did with this setup was to put the entirety of my website, Kristina’s, and our respective blogs behind Cloudflare. I had great success with their DNS over HTTPS service, and their original product is essentially a reverse proxy that caches static content (CSS, Javascript, images) at each of their points of presence around the world so you’ll load those from whichever server is geographically closest to you. For basic use it’s free, and includes SSL, you just need to point your domain’s nameservers at the ones they provide. The only thing I needed to do was to set up another DNS record so I could actually SSH into my Linode, because now the host virtualwolf.org resolves to Cloudflare’s servers which obviously don’t have any SSH running!

Overall, the combination of Nginx + PHP-FPM + Cloudflare has resulted in remarkably faster page loads for our blogs, and thus far significantly reduced memory usage as well.

GPG and hardware-based two-factor authentication with YubiKey

As part of having an Ars Technica Pro++ subscription, they sent me a free YubiKey 4, which is a small hardware token that plugs into your USB port and allows for a bunch of extra security on your various accounts because you need the token physically plugged into your computer in order to authenticate. It does a number of neat things:

  • Generating one-time passwords (TOTP) as a second-factor when logging in to websites;
  • Storing GPG keys;
  • Use as a second-factor with Duo;

And a bunch of other stuff as well, none of which I’m using (yet).

My password manager of choice is 1Password, and although it allows saving one-time passwords for websites itself, I wanted to lock access to the 1Password account itself down even further. Their cloud-based subscription already has strong protection by using a secret key in addition to your strong master password, but you can also set it up to require a one-time password the first time you log into it from a new device or browser so I’m using the YubiKey for that.

I also generated myself GPG keys and saved them to the YubiKey. It was not the most user-friendly process in the world, though that’s a common complaint that’s levelled at GPG. I found this guide that runs you through it all and, while long, it’s pretty straightforward. It’s all set up now, though, my public key is here and I can send and receive encrypted messages and cryptographically sign documents, and the master key is saved only on an encrypted USB stick. You can also use the GPG agent that runs on your machine and reads the keys from the YubiKey to also be used for SSH, so I’ve got that set up with my Linode.

The last thing I’ve done is to set the YubiKey up as a hardware token with Duo and put my Linode’s SSH and this blog (and soon Kristina’s, though hers not with the YubiKey) behind that. With the Duo Unix module, even sudo access requires the YubiKey, and the way that’s set up is that you touch the button on the YubiKey itself and it generates a code and enters it for you.

It’s all pretty sweet and definitely adds a bunch of extra security around everything. I’m busily seeing what else I can lock down now!