Album Meme

Stolen from upandatthem.

1 – Go to
The first random Wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.

2 – Go to Random quotations:
The last four words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.

3 – Go to flickr’s “explore the last seven days”
Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover. (i used to host it)

Put it all together, that’s your first album.

My first one is rather random, the second is quite cool. 😀


I’ve been mucking around with long shutter times on my camera again, this time I’ve edited them (all but the fourth one, anyway) a bit in iPhoto… I think they turned out nicely!


I’m feeling very peaceful right now. I’m sitting on my bed using my laptop and perusing Wikipedia, Lily’s sound asleep, I’m not going out anywhere tonight, and it’s nice and cool. And I’m all freshly clean and showered.



Oh, I forgot to post, we saw Amon Amarth Sunday night before last. I was in the second row from the front, it fucking RULED. Took a bunch of pics with my phone, but of the 35-odd I took, these were the only decent ones. (Sammi’s Sony-Ericsson doesn’t take particularly sharp photos, but they’re not overly grainy. My phone is a Nokia 6110, in good light it’ll take great photos, but for things like concerts most of the photos end up grainy as shit. 🙁 )

By the time the concert was over my t-shirt was absolutely drenched, you’d swear I’d just been through a tropical rainstorm or something. 😛


Lily is seven months old today! Man that has gone entirely too fast.

I’m doing pretty well with the guitar… got E, A, and D minor and major mostly down, and am working on G and C major now. I’ve hooked my guitar amp up to my stereo… it sounds so much better! Just going through the guitar amp sounds like absolute rubbish now. 😉

We’ve got a thunderstorm going outside, I decided to tool around with long exposures on my camera.

Some fairly impressive results, I think!


We went to Gigantour at Luna Park both last night and Thursday night, the lineup was Lacuna Coil, Devildriver, Static X, and Megadeth.

Thursday night I drove in and there was a car accident on the Harbour Bridge which completely fucked the traffic everywhere, so we got there late and part-way through Lacuna Coil’s set (Lacuna Coil was primarily who I was going to see). Last night I made sure I got in early. I was right up the very front for Lacuna Coil, Devildriver, and Static X… fucking awesome.

I took a bunch of photos on Sammi’s phone, including one where Cristina (lead vocalist for Lacuna Coil) was looking straight at me! She was actually pointing as well, but Sammi’s phone camera has a massive delay between pressing the button and it actually taking the photo, so it didn’t actually catch it. I also scored a (Lacuna Coil) bass pick! 😀 Best concert ever!

Yes, I’m huge Lacuna Coil fanboy. Deal with it. 😛


We down to the Mall yesterday as Sammi wanted to buy Guitar Hero 3 for the PS2. I was going to get it for my 360, then thought, wait a sec…

So I ended up with this instead!

It’s a Fender starter kit thing. Comes with guitar, practice amp, cables, strap, electronic tuner, guitar stand and case, and a Getting Started DVD.

I figured instead of spending $140 on a video game of guitar playing, I’d spend a bit more and learn to play the real thing! This whole package was only $400. Although the DVD is actually excerpts from the full DVD, which I bought today.
