I went and had dinner with minga and thristian tonight at the Löwenbräu, which was fun (and delicious!). I think the last time I saw minga was at the very first sydneysiders meet I went to like four years ago, heh, and somehow thristian and I had managed to not meet until now.

We need to have another gathering at the Townie at some point soon, I haven’t seen you guys for ages!

So, I’m moving out in a couple of weeks!

It’s a three bedroom townhouse, just up from the beach in Mona Vale on Golf Ave. I’ll be living with a friend of mine and a friend of his. We’re all geeks, so it’ll work nicely!

Rent is ridiculously cheap too, $130/week for me. It’s a pretty nice place, I’ll snap pics once we’re all set up. 😀


The past year of doing 12:30-9:00pm shifts at work has completely screwed my body clock up… no matter how i tired I am, I can’t get to sleep until like midnight/half-past midnight at the earliest. 🙁

I just got home from seeing Lily. 🙂 She’s so cute and little!

Unfortunately I’ve got the beginnings of what feels like a nasty cold coming on, so it was probably safer with me not holding her quite yet. I snapped a couple of pictures, though.

In the second one she started doing that a split-second before I took the picture, heh. 🙂

I ordered one of the new AirPort Extremes earlier this week, and it arrived yesterday… holy crap having wireless speeds the same as 100BaseT ethernet is awesome. 😀 It was an absolute cinch to set up, too… I ran through configuring it all at work, put it into bridging mode (since I’m still using my existing network as well, I don’t need it doing any routing), plugged it in when I got home, and BOOM. Über speeds.

My parents are using my old PowerBook, so I’ve got two wireless networks… the 802.11g one from the old AirPort setup, and the new Extreme is set to 5GHz 802.11n-only mode for just my MacBook Pro. Works very nicely. 🙂

Well, I’m now officially a dad!

Lily Madeline was born at 6:30 this morning (after a 24 hour labour and lots of needles, Sammi said D: ), weighing 3.7kg. No complications, thankfully, and Lily’s doing fine although Sammi is a little worse for the wear!

Most likely going to visit her this afternoon.

Looks like my daugher will be a rocking child, satanic_angel… first of May tomorrow and she’s still not here! 😉

Man… “my daughter”. Never thought I’d be saying that. I like it, though. 🙂 And I’m pleased it’s a girl rather than a boy. No idea why.

And on a totally different subject, I bought Guitar Hero II yesterday. And even this has reminded me that I have no musical talent whatsoever… I cannot keep time to save my life. I’m trying to either tap my foot or count “1, 2, 3, 4” in my head at a constant rate, and whenever the guitar starts differing from that, so does either the tapping or the counting. Gah!