Ok, this is getting ridiculous. 😉 We had the quarterly AppleCare Excellence Awards this afternoon…

I now have: 2x 1GB 1G shuffles, 2x 1GB 2G shuffles, 1x 2GB 2G nano, 1x 4GB 1G mini, 1x 4GB 1G nano, 1x 40GB 3G, and 1x 80GB 5G. Of those, I’ve gotten all of the shuffles (both 1 and 2G ones), the 2G nano, and the 1G mini from work. 😀

Anyone else watching Drive? It’s damn good!

And holy shit I want that car Nathan Fillion is driving. I don’t even like older cars normally, but damn, that one is hot.


Went out for birthday dinner and drinks with my friends tonight. I had lots and lots of drinks, and payed for not a one! And I’m really quite drunk right now. 😀


Happy birthday to me! At 4:12 this morning I’ll be officially 24. 😉

I got my presents and things tonight (Thursday night) as my grandma came over for birthday dinner.

The only problem with having a disposable income is that you tend to buy yourself everything you want, leaving practically nothing left over for presents to buy for birthdays. 😉


That was kind of disappointing, actually. Maybe I was expecting too much, but it didn’t really grab me the way other live performances have. :\

Slayer tonight!

And I’ve finally gotten off my lazy arse and booked a time to go for my full license. (Yes, I’m still on my Ps. ::hangs head in shame::).

I forgot to mention, the first issue of Buffy Season 8 arrived earlier this week. It’s excellent! The artwork is great, and I could completely hear the actors’ voices when I was reading it. 🙂 Joss’ writing is brilliant as always.

It just sucks having to wait a month between issues. :<

Hahah, score. It was dead quiet at work, so I got sent home. 😀

Now tomorrow needs to hurry up and arrive so I can get my new laptop!