w00t! All the house renovations are finally finished. 🙂

The painting was finished last week, and the floors were put in today. Despite my initial reservations about wooden floors, these look schmick. The wood is kemper, and it’s not all cold and horrible as I was expecting.

Pics will be forthcoming once my new computer arrives and everything is finally set up. (There’s still a bunch of stuff in the garage at the moment, too… we didn’t get a chance to move it all back in tonight as the flooring mob only left at 18:30). My new monitor is currently sitting on L-to-Z of the Yellow Pages, as it’s a bit too low sitting directly on the desk… it’s a classy look. I’m going to get something custom-built to sit on top of my desk to raise the height of all my monitors up a few centimetres.

(Ok, I lied about all the renovations being finished… the eaves will be painted next week, but all the intrusive, getting-woken-up-by-big-boots-tromping-through-the-house stuff is done).

neon2099 and I went to see Arch Enemy last night.

Fucking awesome.

And on the way back home, at the intersection of Pitt St and Martin Place, we came across part of Superman being filmed. 🙂 I’ll have to go and see the movie now, just to see that particular bit. 😉

One of the guys here at work has been away for the past three weeks (he’s back on Monday). So we decided to have a bit of fun.

The RPG Class Test

37% Combativeness, 26% Sneakiness, 70% Intellect, 30% Spirituality
Brilliant! You are a Wizard!

Wizards are spells-casters who study powerful arcane magic. While Wizards tend to be pretty fragile, some of those spells can pack quite a punch. Unlike Clerics, Wizards aren’t as good at fixing people as they are at breaking them, so watch where you toss that fireball…

Your most distinctive trait is your intelligence. You’re probably well learned and logical, if perhaps a bit fragile.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

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You scored higher than 10% on Combativeness
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You scored higher than 20% on Sneakiness
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You scored higher than 66% on Intellect
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You scored higher than 28% on Spirituality

Link: The RPG Class Test written by MFlowers on Ok Cupid


I have hair-cutty goodness, I’m seeing Serenity tonight, going to the sydneysiders meet tomorrow night, going to a friend’s place for a LAN on Saturday, and I have tomorrow and the entire of next week off work.

😀 😀 😀