Holy shit, I am almost dead.

Went to __stripped‘s 21st last night, which was lots of fun. I took a few photos but I’m too damn tired to be bothered uploading them at the moment. ๐Ÿ˜‰ It was like a big LJ-meet, heh. biodecay, darkjudicator, mangosaur, nihilisticangel, noogles, ravenshadow, satanic_angel, ves, all of whom I’ve met before, and I finally met bimbogrrl and scarydan! ๐Ÿ™‚ There were also a handful of random non-LJ people, and Cath’s brother, cousin, and her sister-and-boyfriend. Much alcohol was consumed! ๐Ÿ˜€

I never get especially much sleep when I’m at someone else’s house, but it sucked even more last night, thanks to ravenshadow‘s snoring sounding like he was cutting down a forest with a very noisy chainsaw. ๐Ÿ˜› I got home a bit before 5pm today and just about immediately fell into bed and asleep.

My feet are killing me at the moment. ๐Ÿ™ We went into the city on Friday night and had to walk a fair way from Wynyard to get to the pub we were meeting the Ars people at. I drove up to my friend’s house, as there’s a bus-stop just slightly down from his house, and the bus that goes through there goes straight to Wynyard. So I had to walk from my house to his on Saturday afternoon to retrieve my car. It’s only a 3 minute drive, but walking it’s about 25 minutes and almost entirely uphill. Sprinkle a bit extra walking to and from Cath’s to the train station, and my feet are dead.

Last night was pretty good. ๐Ÿ™‚ There was much alcohol consumed, and delicious Spanish food. We decided to geek out and check out a net café. Sat down to play Halo…and the fuckers only had one CD key for all the machines that had it installed. (Read: We couldn’t play multiplayer).

And tonight, __stripped‘s partay! Woo!

Yay! Got my PowerBook back. ๐Ÿ™‚

Also, I’m going with a friend up to Queensland for his 21st in November. Booked the place tickets yesterday. His grandparents have a time-share thingy in this five-star hotel, and his parents are paying for the room as his 21st present, so all I need to pay for is my plane ticket. ๐Ÿ™‚ Two bedrooms, both have an ensuite, and there’s a freakin’ jacuzzi there as well. ๐Ÿ˜€ There’s buses that leave every 45 minutes or something for Dreamworld and Movieworld, and apparently there’s a nightclub/bar in the building!


The logicboard in my PowerBook was replaced today…and the replacement one was dodgy. ๐Ÿ™ The brightness keys aren’t working, and it’s not detecting when it’s in a dark room (the backlight on the keyboard should turn on, and the brightness of the screen goes down).

Thankfully I’ve got my old G4 to use still.

I’ve uploaded that picture of my new computer setup now. ๐Ÿ™‚ (Apparently the camera hadn’t actually shat itself, it just needed new batteries. Although I had put new ones in it after it first happened. ::shrug::).

Also, w00t, __stripped‘s 21st next Saturday night, and sydneysiders drinkies night on the 23rd! ๐Ÿ˜€

Best friend quiz

My Best Friend is pureawakening
Our 8 common interests are: computers, dragonforce, fantasy, metallica, opeth, reading, sci-fi, video games
Who is your best friend?

Created by macoto

virtualwolf and noogles share 6 interests.
virtualwolf and lurker share 6 interests.
virtualwolf and xenex share 5 interests.
virtualwolf and decker share 5 interests.
virtualwolf and tannymonster share 4 interests.
virtualwolf and satanic_angel share 4 interests.
virtualwolf and fuzzie share 4 interests.
virtualwolf and __stripped share 4 interests.


And now, it’s time for my regular Sunday-evening cleaning spree. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I finally got around to cleaning my car! It’s probably been about 6 months since it was last cleaned (which was before the water restrictions came in, and that was about January or so this year). It’s not completely clean, as I couldn’t be bothered putting in the elbow grease to get all of the gunk off, but it’s a damn-sight better than it was. My car has disc brakes at the front and drum brakes at the rear, and it’s quite amazing how much filthier the mags at the front get compared to the rear (because of all the brake dust from the disc brakes).

We had our LAN at my friend’s place last night, played lots of WarCraft III. One of my friends brought his wireless router over, so those of us that had wireless enjoyed a distinct lack of cables hanging from our machines. ๐Ÿ™‚

Worked yesterday, which is never good, but I can’t complain too much…previously, I hadn’t worked a Saturday for probably a good couple of months, if not more.

Oh yes, and my laptop needs a new logic board. ๐Ÿ™ There’s something wrong with the “ethernet cell” on the current one. The only problems I’ve noticed are an occasional freeze when waking from sleep (and by “occasional” I mean once a month or less). But one of the guys in the repair centre at work has ordered in a new logic board, and he said he should be able to put it in tomorrow afternoon. So hopefully once that’s done, my PB will be totally rock solid. (It is at the moment, really, except for those random freezes I mentioned).

Busy weekend!

Phew, that was a busy weekend. ๐Ÿ™‚

On Friday night, we headed over to a friend’s house to geek out and play Magic: The Gathering. Early Saturday afternoon, I went down to the mall to buy presents for the two 21sts that were on Saturday night, and I also picked up some more Magic cards and the second last book in the New Jedi Order series, “The Final Prophecy”.

Saturday night was good. First I drove out to North Ryde Golf Club for lord_fryingpan‘s girlfriend’s 21st, then drove back to Wheeler Heights for my other friend Millsy’s 21st. Ended up getting home at a bit before 4:30am this morning. ๐Ÿ™‚

Woke up at 2pm today, then headed over to a friend’s place at 4:30ish for a small birthday barbeque/gathering for another friend, Karl, who’s exactly a year older than Millsy. ๐Ÿ™‚ We also geeked out a bit then and played some more Magic. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Finally ended up getting home at 11pm!