Well, I was going to upload a pic of my new setup, but our digital camera appears to have shat itself. 🙁 It froze while iPhoto was trying to copy the pic across, and now whenever I go to turn it on, it just continously restarts itself. Grumble.


For the first time ever, I’ve gone over the $33/month that my phone costs. $42.94 the final cost was. 123 SMSs! 😮 I didn’t realise I’d sent so many. ::looks significantly at gigglznwrigglz:: 😀

My monitor didn’t arrive today, either. 🙁


Which dodgy Sydney pub are you?

The Town Hall Hotel
You are The Townie. You rock out. You will
probably meet your future wife/husband here. Be
on the lookout for aging rockers trying to be
picked up – and be careful you don’t end up at
Zanzibar. Gunners anyone?

Which dodgy Sydney pub are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Laptops rule.

I’m sitting here snuggled up in bed with my PowerBook, with a long cable going half-way across to the room to my stereo. (It’ll be awesome once my AirPort Express arrives. :D). The PB also does an excellent job as a heater. 😉

Also, I’m considering getting one of these so I can still use my G4 tower. It’ll also be handy to be able to have it plugged into my PowerBook as well.

Going over to a friend’s place tonight to play some Warcraft III and drink some^Wlots of alcohol. 🙂

Oh yes, I also have a shiny new Gmail account, thanks to fuzzie! Not that I suspect I’ll use it much, as it brings my total email address count up to 5. (6 if you include the address I use to log into MSN).

Awesome…it’s meant to get down to 7° tonight! Cold weather plus fucking plus.

Also, the new staff discount price list has been posted at work. 1 AirPort Express base station, $166.10. Putting my order in tomorrow! (They’re not actually meant to arrive until like the 10th of next month, but hey!).