Oh hey. LiveJournal. Right. Bullet-point updates ftw!

  • kungfupolarbear and I have been married (squee! That’s so not getting old) for over a month and it still feels like a big extended sleepover. It’s fantastic.
  • In less awesomeness, both kungfupolarbear and Lily have been sick of late, with Lily being really sick… she was up pretty much every hour last night coughing, which mean she was pretty much non-stop grumpy today. I’m quite amazed that I’m as awake as I am at the moment.
  • We bought a shiny new TV Sunday last week! It’s so very very awesome. Next purchase is a laptop!
  • kungfupolarbear starts work on Monday! It’s down at Central, which is dead easy to get to by public transport from here.
  • A friend lent me his Canon 400D DSLR camera this weekend, we wandered down to Dee Why Headland and took a few photos. There were more than these ones of Lily, but none of them were particularly interesting.

Now, time for a shower and then bed very shortly afterwards, I think. Ugh. ::faceplant::

So. kungfupolarbear and I got married on Tuesday! It was a small ceremony, with just my parents, grandma, sister, and her boyfriend. And it was windy! And cold. But still, squee! It’s very odd having a ring on my finger having not ever worn jewellery before.

My dad took a few photos with my camera, and we should have the professional ones back today!

I actually have a wife. And I’m a husband. Woah. I’m wondering when it’s actually going to sink in properly. 🙂

I finally got around to finishing the second Imperial Guard tank I have.

Leman Russ Demolisher



Holy fuck we’re getting married in about thirteen hours!


I’ve finally gotten around to taking some photos using my new light stand and umbrella setup!

Devious. Very devious.



I’m really pleased with how they came out!

What with Twitter and Tumblr, I haven’t been updating this much!

kungfupolarbear and I are getting married in FIVE DAYS! Holy shit. And the weather forecast so far says it’s meant to be fine.

– I actually own a suit now! I’ve only ever worn one once before, that was for my Year 12 Formal and it was a rental. $600 suit reduced to $200, woo! We just need to find a shirt now. We picked up kungfupolarbear‘s corset and skirt last weekend from Gallery Serpentine (the corset is this style but in cream, with black lace) and by god does she look stunning.

– My parents have hired a professional photographer for the wedding, we’re going to a restaurant called Limáni afterwards, then going back to their place for ice cream wedding cake, mmmm! My parents are the bestest.

– Guitar Hero: Metallica is fucking excellent. I’m actually starting to get half-decent on the drums, which will work nicely because all of my friends suck arse at them. 😀 kungfupolarbear has been rocking out on the bass on medium as well.

– Work is being obnoxiously busy today, and I have a horrible feeling I’ve got a cold coming on. 🙁 And I’m working Saturdays this month, boo.

But over all, squee!

Woo! We scored a dining table and four chairs from eBay for $80. 😀 We picked up our coffee table yesterday, now we’re just waiting for the TV stand and side table to arrive, and we still need to find a book case. Once that’s done, the unit is fully furnished!

We went down to Dee Why Beach this morning and we snapped a few photos. kungfupolarbear has a few more that will be uploaded later, these are my ones.

Waves crashing

Dee Why Headland

Oh. I probably should mention that we’ve picked the ninth of June for our wedding day! 😀 I have no idea how that slipped my mind. 😛

We’re doing a quick informal thing just to get the legalities out of the way so we can apply for the next visa, and we’re going to be having an actual proper wedding at some point later down the track, once we’ve got time to plan and organise it, and when kungfupolarbear‘s mum and brother can come out.
