A somewhat delayed entry!

So obviously we’re back in the country now! And I’m back at work. Grumble.

The flight back was fucking horrible. There was this baby, wouldn’t have been even a year old, that was randomly shrieking at the top of its lungs. Not crying, full-on banshee wailing. There was quite a bit of turbulence too, just to add to the fun. Thankfully I’m not motion-sick.

We arrived back in Sydney on Saturday morning, breezed through customs, and ended up getting a lot done in the morning before we passed out! We opened a joint bank account, deposited kungfupolarbear‘s cheque that she brought over plus the one we got as an engagement present from her grandparents, got her a pre-paid SIM with 3, and did a bit of shopping.

Unfortunately whatever it was that kungfupolarbear was sick with in Florida came over with us. Thankfully we were able to pay $60 to go to the doctor, it took all of probably ten minutes, and we came out with a prescription for antibiotics, which themselves cost about $15.

Yesterday we went to Ikea, which was pretty much made of fail. We had Lily, who’s got a cold at the moment and I’m fairly sure she’s teething, so she was extremely grumpy towards the end. We found a few things, but none of them came in the colours we wanted, and kungfupolarbear was coughing and wheezing too.

I’m back at work now too, boo. It’s like I never left. Although I’ve only got today and tomorrow and then it’s the weekend again! kungfupolarbear is off to see the new Wolverine movie with a couple of my friends. She gets along extremely well with all of them, which is excellent.

I’ve uploaded the photos I took to Flickr. I’ve added a handful below.

Old buildings

Sunset over St Augustine


Launch Pad "A"

Saturn V engines

A very quick update from Denver, Colorado! Our plane to San Francisco boards in about five minutes, and it’s very nice having the flight there broken up like this.

Our flight to Sydney departs at 10:45pm San Francisco time and gets into Sydney at 7am on Saturday. Mmmm, jetlag!

Huzzah, we have arrived safe and sound at kungfupolarbear‘s mum’s place in Florida!

Holy shit driving down through Georgia and Florida is booooooring. Damn. But it’s currently gorgeous outside, we’re sitting around in t-shirt and shorts, and there’s delicious cooking smells coming from the kitchen.

I’m currently lying in bed at a roadside inn in Rocky Mount, North Carolina!

I’m entirely too exhausted to post many details (and my iPhone is a bit of a pain to type long entries on), but we’re still here and alive! did all the driving today, and she is totally exhausted. I’m doing a bunch of driving tomorrow morning, which will be interesting.


We’re in New Jersey!

We left Boston at 9:30-ish after a fucking horrible night sleep. We got probably four hours all up, it was alternately too hot or too cold, plus our allergies kept playing up.

The drive itself was very good though, we made good time and got into ‘s friends’ place right on 3pm. Tonight we’re going out to dinner and then playing some Rock Band.

Tomorrow we head to Aberdeen in Maryland to see some friends of my parents, then it’s basically just a straight drive south and get as far as we can get before we get tired.

Good god I hope we manage to get a good night sleep tonight.

Things are significantly better than last post! We’re both getting over our sickness, thankfully, and the apartment seems to have given up on actively trying to kill us.

For one, it’s my birthday today! We definitely timed things nicely… I was in Boston for kungfupolarbear‘s birthday last year in August, and I’m here for mine this year!

We haven’t done too much by way of photo-taking, though we went to Rockport again today, which was snazzy. And bloody cold, too. I got some cool photos, much more interesting than the “Oh, here’s a building at an uninteresting angle. Here’s another building of the same” I had last time. 🙂 We’re about to head out to a delicious delicious Indian restaurant for dinner.

Saturday night we had kungfupolarbear‘s going away party, which was great fun. I saw quite a few people I’d met last time I was here, and met absinthetic, wee_squirrel, tamalinn and catullus_5 for the first time. Sunday night was Rock Band, also a whole lot of fun, saw some more people that I’d met last time too.

Tomorrow we’re going to see trunkbutt, Wednesday is last-minute packing, and Thursday morning we leave Boston! Phew!

I have no idea how kungfupolarbear has put up with this apartment for the past four months.

It’s currently 6:35am, I was lying in bed awake from 4 until 6, and we only got to bed at a bit before midnight. We’ve both been alternately too hot or too cold, and the bed is squeaky as hell in several places. Outside it’s currently ~3C, according to WeatherBug. I ended up just getting up because I was getting massively frustrated at not being able to get to sleep.

Seriously, were I in kungfupolarbear‘s place, I’d have killed someone by now. Heh. I’ll post some more later, when I’m warmer and less annoyed.

(Don’t get me wrong, it’s absolutely fantastic seeing kungfupolarbear again… just not much her apartment. ;))

You know that feeling you got when you were a kid and Christmas was very close and you were all excited and hoping time would hurry up and pass so Christmas would actually be here already? Yeah, that’s totally where I am right now, waiting to see kungfupolarbear again.

I’m leaving here TOMORROW! I can’t believe it’s gone that fast already. Counting down from like 30 days feels like it was just yesterday.

The plane leaves Sydney at 14:45, gets to San Francisco at 11:00 local time, there’s a two and a half hour stop-over then I get to Boston at 22:30 or so. Phew! And also squee!


Oh for fuck’s sake! The cable in my headphones has fucked up again. It’s only playing out one side. Fortunately the cable actually plugs into the headphones themselves, one into the left and one into right, so I don’t need to get an entire new set of headphones completely, but god dammit! I’m leaving tomorrow and would really like a working set! Last time it happened was over a year ago, but seriously, WTF. Exactly the same problem.

I’m considering just going down to JB Hi-Fi and getting a whole new pair, as I had to order the cable last time and it took like a week to arrive.

And there’s some douche sitting next to me listening to his voicemail messages on speakerphone. Grrr. Not a good start to the day.

iPhone camera vs proper camera with actual flash

iPhone camera:


Proper camera with external flash:



I tweaked both of the photos a bit. The iPhone camera one was just the auto-levels button in Aperture, to bring the brightness up — it was really dim — and the real one was brightened just a bit, and the temperature changed to be a bit less yellow.