w00t! I have unlocked iPhone goodness. I just have to wait until the new plan I’m switching to with Three kicks in before I can use data (should be the 7th of this month).

I’m also starting to get back into playing Warhammer 40,000. A few of us are having a big (in number of players, not number of points) battle on Sunday, and almost all of us have new armies.

I’ve gone Imperial Guard, which will be interesting… my other army is Eldar!

Actually, I tell a lie… those photos were taken a while ago, and I’ve just gotten back into painting them again. I’ve got another squad of ten Guardsmen finished too.

I was up at mum and dad’s this afternoon with Lily, and the neighbours across the road were doing some gardening out the front. Lily saw them and we went to say hello, and she was quite delighted with the gardening gloves. I snapped some pics with my iPhone.




Picture meme thingy

Take a picture of yourself right now.
Don’t change your clothes, don’t fix your hair… just take a picture.
Post that picture with NO editing.
Post these instructions with your picture.

I am home! And I miss kungfupolarbear already.

I took a couple of sleeping tablets after the plane left from San Francisco, but they didn’t totally knock me out unfortunately. Still, it was an improvement over the flight from Sydney to LA. I managed to get a few hours sleep at least.

The plane arrived at 6:30 this morning, I got home about 8 or so. I had breakfast with one of my roommates then was chatting to my lovely kungfupolarbear on Skype when all the lack of sleep on the plane hit me all at once. I went for a nap at about 12:30… and woke up eight hours later. 😮

I’m still pretty tired and out of it even now. I’ve got tomorrow off work thankfully, so I’ll organise and upload all my photos then. Going to try to stay awake for at least another couple of hours, then go to bed. ::props eyelids open::