Wow, I haven’t posted here for a while!

Lily is doing well, and Sammi and I have been staying over at each other’s places a lot. Lily’s sleeping through the night which is nice… she’s usually out for a good seven or eight hours. She’s up for immunisation soon, and according to all the check-ups she’s had she’s going excellently. Sammi took a bunch of photos, but I don’t have the fullsize ones at the moment. I’ve got a handful.

This was at a friend’s place, her cat came up and was snoozing on us. 🙂

One of my roommates bought a kitten earlier this week. He’s been rampaging around and likes coming in and sleeping on the bed.

And I’m finally not all povo and sleeping with the mattress on the floor!

Looks very spiffy if I do say so myself.

Sigh. We have to do this training stuff at work on the Trade Practices Act. I’ve barely started and already I’m bored shitless.

I got an email today from our call centre manager saying basically “Your performance has been really good, thanks for your hard work, you’ll be getting a $1000 (pre-tax) bonus in your next paycheck”!!

😀 😀

Well, I’m now living in Mona Vale!

I haven’t got everything in yet, but we’re getting there. My room looks so dodgy with the mattress just sitting on the floor. The bedframe isn’t arriving for another week or so, apparently.

My new computer desk is very sexy, though! Pics will come when I can be bothered. Right now I’m going to have a shower and collapse into bed. 😛

I went furniture hunting today, since I’m leaving all my current stuff at my parents’, and bought a queen-size bed plus frame, and a fancy computer desk!

It’s just the bed frame I’m getting, not the bedside desks. The mattress and desk are being delivered on Monday. Unfortunately the bed frame wasn’t in stock, so I’ll be sleeping with my mattress on the floor for a little while. 😉