Urgh. It’s not even half-way through September yet, and my room is getting really hot at night already. :\ And what really sucks is when you take all the blankets off your bed so you can get to sleep, then wake up in the morning freezing and with a cold. I like the mild days of spring, but dammit, I want my cold nights!

Machine-gun style updates!

Yet another new design for my website. (And yes Screwtape, it /is/ XHTML 1.1 compatible! :P). I’m back to waiting for a rev 2 G5. The iPod + new stereo plan for my car will definitely be happening (mmm, 40GB iPod…). Premium petrol does actually make quite a large difference in the performance of my car; it accelerates faster, at high revs it’s smoother and sounds quieter, and is just generally really good. Premium for me all the time now! My cold is is still here, and the sore throat has turned into a chest cold. Fortunately, I seem to be slowly beating it.

Well, last night was a complete waste of time.

Long story short, absolutely nothing happened. I got home at midnight. And the pub was blacked out! Noooo!

Since it’s such a nice sunny day today, I think I’m finally going to give my car a wash. 😉 It’s /filthy/. D: Speaking of my car, I filled it up with premium petrol last night, rather than normal, just to see what sort of a difference it makes. We shall see!

Guh. I’m not going out tonight (!), nor even drinking here by my lonesome (!!). My sore throat is still here (and getting worse), and I appear to be developing a cold. ;( ;( Not fucking happy, Jan.

Bleh. I started feeling really shitty today…I’ve got the beginnings of a sore throat, and I’ve got that weird tiredness you get when you’re sick. 🙁 Being sick is the major suck.

I’ve changed my plans for my new computer. Instead of waiting for a second revision G5, I’m going to get a older-model G4 (the MMD one).

Dual 1.25GHz processors, 256MB PC2700 RAM (I’m going to get a 512MB stick from Zone Computing), 80GB HD, Combo drive, NVIDIA GeForce 4 Titanium video card, grand total is $3458.

Now to start saving! 🙂

Mobile music

I’m considering somewhat revising my plan for my car stereo…

Before, I was just going to get a sub and an amp, because there’s nothing really wrong with the speakers or deck. However, upon further thought, I’m thinking of getting a new deck with a line-in, so I can hook my iPod up to it. At the moment it’s getting pretty much no use anymore, because I don’t catch the bus to work and am listening to CDs in the car. And if I do end up doing this, I might get a brand-spanking-new 30GB iPod, so I can take my entire music collection with me. 🙂 (Yes, I’m aware of the distinct lack of iPods in Australia).

What would be really cool is to get something like this happening, although I’d settle for just a cord going from the back of the deck and having the iPod sitting in the centre storage bit between the seats.

With the release of Myth II 1.4, I’ve been getting back into playing Myth. It’s got lots of improvements over the original, including OpenGL acceleration and native OSX support. I’d forgotten how much fun multiplayer is. 😀 And there’s Mariusnet and PlayMyth as replacements for Bungie.net. Much rockage is ahead.

I’m going for my driving test tomorrow…wish me luck. 😀