Well, that wasn’t a particularly auspicious start to the day… I went into the usual place I get my morning coffee from, Pie Face, and the COFFEE MACHINE WAS BROKEN. ARGH. So I had to make do with the sub-par coffee from the place across the road from work.

Pie Face make the most orgasmically awesome coffee, and I go in there so often that I don’t even get asked for what coffee I want… the girl that makes the coffees sees me and just starts making it. 😀

Then I got into work and there were already six calls in the queue (ideally there shouldn’t be any). Sigh.

On the bright side Lily had a solid eight hours sleep last night and didn’t stir at all until she woke up.

Hee. Yet more Lily!







Shifty-looking baby is shifty-looking



And man she had a late night today… she only went to sleep about fifteen minutes ago (it’s currently 11:35pm here for those of you not in Australia!). Apparently she didn’t sleep all day then had a two hour sleep from 5:30-7:30. Fingers crossed it means she’ll get a decent sleep anyway!

Bah! Standing on the bus for the lose.

And I think I’m starting to understand the point of Twitter now… save my LJ from being filled up with crap, heheh.

…and having said standing ftl, a woman just randomly got up and decided to get off the bus. Woo seatage!

There’s an app for the iPhone called Mobile Fotos that lets you browse and upload photos to Flickr directly from the phone. It can even embed the location data of where you are before it uploads. Very cool.

In practice though it’s not as much use, because for some reason instead of reading the embedded location data from the photo, Mobile Fotos just reads your current location, which is where you are when the photo is uploaded. That doesn’t really result in very accurate geotagging unfortunately. 🙁

And whee, I managed to get through an entire LiveJournal post without this iPhone LJ client crashing!


Wow. I am quite impressively drunk right now. I blame my roommate! ::shakes fist::

He’s watching my type this and has this to say:

rm -rfd /

He’s too drunk to even type Terminal commands! Although admittedly the first line was him bashing his head against the keyboard.

We’re currently watching John Safran vs God, which I have not seen before.

And despite the correct spelling in this post, I am very drunk! Hee.

fuck i cnt even find the backflash

And that last bit was my roommate again. This was going to be a quiet night in, hah.

Woo! I got a pay rise at work. An extra $1800/year, which works out to be $150/month (we get paid monthly).

Nothing to sneeze at!

In nerdier news, I’ve just about finished all my Imperial Guardsmen. I have to just do some touching up and get the flock done on the base, and they’ll be done. After that all that’s left is my command squad — which is only five models — the two junior officers, along with my last heavy weapons team and the Leman Russ Demolisher.

My next purchases are probably going to be a Hellhound or two, and some more heavy weapons teams.

I went up to mum and dad’s today to wash my car, so it’s all fantastically shiny and clean now! I’m parking in the garage now too, so it’ll be interesting to see how long it stays clean for (previously I was parking outside).

I’ve also snapped a few more pics of Lily just now!






That first photo is such a cute shot, and I had to crop my ugly mug out of it because I blinked right when the flash when off and look like a complete tool. You can still my hair poking out over her forehead too, which annoys me!

Plus, bonus photo of my car!

My car - shiny and clean!

Whee! My new plan with Three was activated today so I can actually use all the stuff on it iPhone that requires data. So of course I’m sitting on the bus now on the way home and updating my LiveJournal! 😀

So so awesome, hee.

I’m chatting to kungfupolarbear about tattoos and piercings at the moment. I saw a girl a few weeks ago with a design that I really liked. It was her birth year, in Roman numerals, along the top of her back. I found a font that looks cool, and it’d be positioned a few inches underneath the current tattoo (pic under the cut for those who haven’t seen it).

The design for the new one:

And my current one:

::strokes beard::