Hee. I’m writing this entry on kungfupolarbear‘s laptop… 600MHz, 128MB RAM! Whee.

We saw Finntroll last night, and they were fucking awesome. There were three support bands, the first two were terrible, the third was a band called Warbringer who actually really ruled. The downside of the whole concert was the moshpit… there weren’t enough people there so there was a decent amount of space, which meant that all the crazy running-around-and-into-everyone people had a lot of speed when they were running around. Poor kungfupolarbear was smashed into towards the end of the concert by someone I didn’t even see come in… her forehead collided hard with his head. :\

Oh, and the music that I put that video of Lily walking to? Finntroll played that last night. 😀 😀

Man, I’m getting all tanned and shit. Crazy!

On Friday we hit up the Boston Public Library, and as lame as that sounds, it’s very impressive. It’s part library and part museum… there’s a whole bunch of big paintings on the walls (Sistine Chapel-esque).

For lunch we went to The Cheesecake Factory. Good god they have large servings… we got the “lunch” portions, which are smaller versions of the dinner portions, and neither of us could finish the damn things!

After that we wandered through a few disturbingly touristy areas (think Bondi) and snuggled on the grass in a park for a while. Then we hit up the North End, which is very New York-feeling and full of Italian restaurants and grocery stores, and not much else. There were lots of little old Italian women sitting out the front of their houses smoking. It was very strange.

Yesterday we were at Newburyport at the beach. It’s basically an entire suburb of little beach shacks and houses, some more elaborate than others. Last night we saw Pineapple Express, and it’s hilarious!

Today we went to Mt Auburn Cemetary… holy shit it’s epically large! I took a metric shitton of pictures, and we didn’t even see anywhere near the whole thing.

Tomorrow we’re seeing Finntroll! \m/

We went to Rockport yesterday, which was a fishing village and it’s got all these awesome old buildings. I took a heap of photos, which I’ll upload to Flickr once I’m home, and got rather sunburnt. Bought a few bits and pieces (namely a new wallet and awesome pewter goblet for me, plus some souvenirs for the family). Afterwards we visited the lovely trunkbutt and sat around on the grass at the beach talking for a couple of hours, which was nice. At night we went to pool and I met several more LJ-types, zanylikethat, thetathx1138mkb_technologie,and newtonnut plus some other non-LJers (and my goodness I’d forgotten how much I suck at pool, heh).

Today we’re being lazy, and tonight going to have dinner with xenofalcon and his parents. Woo!

I am posting from the past!

I am in Boston, at kungfupolarbear‘s!

All went well on the way over here, except for the hour and a half delay before we actually took off after we’d boarded the plane in Sydney. And despite all the horrendous things I’ve heard about Los Angeles airport, there were no problems of any sort! Straight through immigration and customs, a couple of minute walk around to the terminal where we were going to be boarding, and that was that! On the trip home I’m going via San Fransisco, so I’m half expecting things to be horrible there, to make up for the lack of horribleness at LAX. 😛

Also, the post-plane flight shower is the greatest thing in the world.

I just got back from seeing The Dark Knight…




That is the best movie I have seen in a long time.

I went down to the Mall this morning to pick up some clothes and shoes for Lily (and got the fourth season of The 4400, both seasons of Dark Angel, and the first season of Supernatural for a total of $102!), intending on going down to the park that’s at the beach this afternoon.

I walked outside just now, and it’s completely overcast and looking like it’s going to piss down any minute. Grumble!

Woo, we have passportiness!

I’ve got tomorrow and Wednesday off — going to see Children Of Bodom tomorrow night — so I’m going to go visit a travel agent about plane tickets and stuff then. 🙂


I got a call from mum this afternoon, she actually found my original birth certificate! So I don’t have to fuck around with getting a new one after all! Everything else that was a problem with the passport application is already sorted, the only hold-up was going to be that.


DFAT can die in a fire


I went down to the post office this morning to put in my passport application, all excited that I’d be able to order plane tickets in a couple of weeks and visit my lovely kungfupolarbear.

But NO:
– The printer here at work where I printed out the application form chopped off the bottom like three millimetres of each page, and even though there’s nothing actually written in those boxes the passport office will reject the application.
– The signature of my guarantor was in dark blue ink not black, and they’ll reject that too.
– The only birth certificate I have is a copy of the original from years ago (my parents have no idea where the original went), and, you guess it, that will be rejected too. Which leads me to:
– I have to go into the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages before work next week some time to get the birth certificate done. I’d just fax or mail it in, but there’s a wonderful warning on their website saying that non-urgent applications will take up to SIX FUCKING WEEKS to process, and even urgent ones are ten days. I can actually go there in person and get it within the hour.

The lady in the post office was nice though, she said to just come in again once I’ve got everything sorted out rather than having to make an appointment again.
