Finally, some actual miniature painting

So despite having gotten the back room set up for miniature painting over three and a half years ago, I hadn’t actually done any of it since then. 😛 I also realised I hadn’t actually taken a photo of the setup.

I bought Games Workshop’s latest game Shadespire early last month, it does have miniatures to paint but only eight in the core set, and it’s a board game where the games last about half an hour or so versus the multi-hour affairs that are traditional Warhammer/Warhammer 40,000 games. I figured that with the holidays around and time to kill, and not having the prospect of endless amounts of miniatures to paint, I’d give it a go. I’m pleased to say that I clearly still have the painting skills!

I’ve finished five of them so far, so only three to go, and took some proper photos of them with the full external flash/umbrella setup.

Blooded Saek

Angharad Brightshield


Karsus the Chained

Obryn the Bold

(I’ll admit that I cheated slightly and didn’t actually paint any of these in the back room, however… during the week and a bit that I was doing them, the weather was really hot and the dinky little air conditioning unit in the back room wasn’t remotely up to keeping things cool, so I ended up bringing all the paints and bits inside and did them at the dining table).

The game Shadespire itself is really neat as well. I’ve only played a handful of games, but rather than just “Kill the other team” you also have specific objectives to accomplish as well. Have a read of Ars Technica’s review of it, they’re a lot more thorough and eloquent than I could be. 😛

Temperature sensors: now powered by Raspberry Pi

The Weather section on my website is now powered by my Raspberry Pi, instead of my Ninja Block! \o/

Almost exactly three years ago, I started having my Ninja Block send its temperature data to my website (prior to that, I was manually pulling the data from the Ninja Blocks API and didn’t have any historical record of it). Ninja Blocks the company went bust in 2015, and there was some stuff in the Ninja Blocks software that relied on their cloud platform to work and I ended up with no weather data for a couple of days because the Ninja Block couldn’t talk to the cloud platform. I ended up hacking at it and the result was this very simple Node.js application as a replacement for their software. It always felt a bit crap, though, because if the hardware itself died I’d be stuck; yes, it was all built on “open hardware” but I didn’t know enough about it all to be able to recreate it. I’d ordered a Raspberry Pi 3 in June last year, intending on replacing the Ninja Block and it’s sometimes-unreliable wireless temperature sensors with something newer and simpler and hard-wired, but I found there was a frustrating lack of solid information regarding something that on the surface seemed quite simple.

I’ve finally gotten everything up and running, the Ninja Block has been shut down, and I’ve previously said I’d write up exactly what I did. So here we are!

Components needed

  • Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
  • AM2302 wired temperature-humidity sensor (or two of them in my case)
  • Ethernet cable of the appropriate length to go from the Pi to the sensor
  • 6x “Dupont” female to either male or female wires (eBay was the best bet for these, just search for “dupont female”, and it only needs to be female on one end as the other end is going to be chopped off)
  • 1.5mm heatshrink tubing
  • Soldering iron and solder
  • Wire stripper (this one from Jaycar worked brilliantly, it automatically adjusts itself to diameter of the insulation)


  1. Cut the connectors off one end of the dupont cables, leaving the female connector still there, and strip a couple of centimetres of insulation off.
  2. Strip the outermost insulation off both ends of the ethernet cable, leaving a couple of centimetres of the internal twisted pairs showing.
  3. Untwist three of the pairs and strip the insulation off them, then twist them back together again into their pairs.
  4. Chop off enough heatshrink tubing to cover the combined length of the exposed ethernet plus dupont wire, plus another couple of centimetres, and feed each individual dupont wire through the tubing (there should be three separate bits of tubing, one for each wire).
  5. Solder each dupont wire together with one of the twisted pairs of ethernet cable, then move the heatshrink tubing up over the soldered section and use a hairdryer or kitchen blowtorch to activate the tubing and have it shrink over the soldered portion to create a nice seal.
  6. Repeat this feed-heatshrink-tubing/solder-wire/activate-heatshrink process again but with the cables that come out of the temperature sensor (ideally you should be using the same red/yellow/black-coloured dupont cables to match the ones that come out of the sensor itself, to make it easier to remember which is which).
  7. Install Raspbian onto an SD card and boot and configure the Pi.
  8. Using this diagram as a reference, plug the red (power) cable from the sensor into Pin 2 (the 5V power), the yellow one into Pin 7 (GPIO 4, the data pin), and the black one into Pin 6 (the ground pin).

AdaFruit has a Python library for reading data from the sensor, I’m using the node-dht-sensor library for Node.js myself. You can see the full code I’m using here (it’s a bit convoluted because I haven’t updated the API endpoint on my website yet and it’s still expecting the same data format as the Ninja Block was sending).

I’d found a bunch of stuff about needing a “pull-up” resistor when connecting temperature sensors, but the AM2302 page on says “There is a 5.1K resistor inside the sensor connecting VCC and DATA so you do not need any additional pullup resistors”, and indeed, everything is working a treat!

Christmas 2017

Christmas and Boxing Day this year were pretty great. My sister and her husband and kids were able to make it up from Nowra again, so we had the family Christmas at my parents’ place with everyone. My niece Arya, now three and a half, is GODDAMN ADORABLE. She’s totally happy to just go off and play by herself, and there wasn’t a single tantrum the whole time we were there either. Lily and Scarlett were happy to hang out with each too and got along very well.

It was interesting to see that Scarlett’s reading is definitely not at the same level as Lily’s was at the same age… Lily was eight when I posted this but she was absolutely tearing through pretty much everything, whereas Scarlett was struggling a little to read the jokes inside the Christmas crackers.

Beanie was terrific, he mostly just wandered around keeping an eye on what everyone was doing and didn’t bark once. Arya was a afraid of him to begin with, because he was so excited to see someone vaguely at his height that he kept jumping up on her and trying to lick her face! My sister’s dog at home isn’t one for jumping, so Arya wasn’t used to that. She got over it eventually, though, and was able to sit down and give him scritches.

Showing Scarlett how to Minecraft

Pennie, Mark, and Arya


Beanie amongst the Christmas paper

Snuggles with Aunty Kristina

Sitting on dad

I’ve been a bit stuck for what to get for Christmas and birthdays of late, so I’ve asked for mostly just books. This year’s haul:

So that should certainly keep me occupied for a while!

We went back over on Boxing Day for mum’s birthday, and went down to Collaroy Beach in the afternoon. It was completely overcast but the weather was otherwise glorious… temperature in the mid-20s and a lovely breeze. There were more photos, of course, and I gave the 135mm lens a good workout for once!

Waving from the kiddy pool



Playing in the sand

Getting splashed #1

Even cheesier grin

Getting splashed #5

Photographical style

I never really thought of myself as having a particular “style” to my photos, but I was looking back at my old photos — originally specifically from Christmas and then just more generally all of them — and I’ve realised in the last year or two I’ve very much moved towards a lighter “high-key” style where I bring the shadows up and even bump the exposure of the whole photo by ⅓ to ⅔ of a stop or even more, to get a nice light airy feel to them.

Have a look just at my Christmas albums to see what I mean.

It’s even more obvious when going back and looking at all my photos as a whole! My photos from our trip to Boston in 2012 are a good example, they’re all super-saturated and high-contrast, with really dark shadows. I still have all the original RAW files from that trip, but I don’t want to go back and start re-editing photos lest I go down the path of George Lucas and just totally ruin everything with my meddling. 😛

A holiday in Perth

We went to Perth for a week last week, and it was damned lovely! A friend of mine, Mat, who I’ve known for over fifteen years and originally met through the now-mostly-defunct Everything2, lives over there and was able to offer some advice on places to eat at and suburbs to stay in.

We arrived on Saturday and stayed in a house in Highgate, which is about a 10-15 minute walk from the city itself. Less than a block away is Hyde Park, which is lovely, and so green (Perth has had like a month or two straight of rain, versus the next-to-none that Sydney’s had).




There’s a bunch of street art all around the place as well, and lots of interesting buildings to take photos of (full album is here).





High Grounds Coffee

On Sunday we visited Fremantle, to check out the markets there and hopefully get a view of a sunset over the ocean (something we’ve never seen given both Kristina and I grew up on the east coasts of our respective countries). It was indeed getting very nice, but sadly the clouds moved in right as the sun was getting low to the horizon.

Down the street

Ferris wheel






Fremantle is the main cargo port for Perth, so there were the giant cargo cranes there and also a massive submarine in dry-dock (have a look to the right of the second photo)!



Monday was spent first at the Western Australian Botanic Garden and then wandering Northbridge and the CBD itself.

The Garden is massive although there’s a lot of just regular bushland as well as flower beds.




The Swan Brewery Co. Ltd.

Northbridge was neat, there’s a lot of laneways and little alleys, and most of them have art on the walls, often on a very large scale.


Small steps


Sugar glider




Those last two would have been probably four stories high!

We wandered through the CBD itself as well, had dinner at Durty Nelly’s Irish pub (highly recommended, the food was incredible), then continued wandering after night had fallen.



Gothic windows




On Tuesday we visited Rottnest Island! We made the mistake of taking a bus tour, which was filled with loud, obnoxious, racist boomers, and we only stopped to actually get off the bus twice. Otherwise we were driving past all this wonderful terrain and the occasional quokka, and everyone was snapping shitty photos out of the bus windows.

Thankfully that only lasted an hour and a half, and we were able to go visit a colony of quokkas that were all of about ten minutes from the main buildings on the island, and OH MY GOD they are adorable! They have no natural predators on the island so they were pretty well unafraid of people and we were able get up super-close to them.





The water around the island is crystal clear.



Tuesday night, we had dinner in Northbridge at a Mexican restaurant called La Cholita, and holy crap if you’re in Perth you need to visit it. The food is amazing.


Kristina and Mat

Taco and sangria

Afterwards we went for another wander around the area and snapped some photos.

Mat's ridiculous icecream


Meat Candy

Wednesday was spent briefly at the Araluen Botanic Park (briefly, because Kristina’s legs were massively hurting from crouching down and getting up constantly on Tuesday while we were visiting the quokkas and the Botanic Park was filled with lots of hills), and then a leisurely wander through East Perth.

The weather starting turning a bit crap on Thursday, so we visited Mat’s sister and her boyfriend on their rural property and just hung out there with their horse Archie and hilariously uncoordinated Maremma sheep dog Iorek, then went back and played some Diablo III.


Iorek the Maremma sheep dog

I can’t believe how well-timed the trip was, we booked it back in July and the week before the trip was almost non-stop rain and it’s now back to raining again for the next week! There would have been so much we wouldn’t have been able to see if the weather had been awful.

A vehicular upgrade

We bought a brand-new car today! \o/ It’s an extremely handsome-looking Kia Cerato hatchback in dark metallic grey.

Our brand-new MY18 Kia Cerato

We’d been toying with the idea for a little bit, then Kristina came across some videos of crash tests comparing somewhat older (from ~2000-ish, which is exactly what our current Corolla is) cars impacting with newer ones. They’re nothing like the utter crumpling of the cars from the 1970s, but still somewhat alarming. She did a bunch of research and found that the current Kias are extremely well-regarded and reliable, and it turns out there’s basically nothing else in the same price range that offer as much power and features; the equivalent cars like the Corolla and Civic and such were all several thousand dollars more, with less power and fewer included features. The Cerato has a 7-year warranty as well, which seemed to be more than most other cars.

Speaking of power (112kW and 192Nm to be exact), we took one for a test drive on Sunday… I put my foot down and was accidentally doing 70km/h almost immediately! There’s a hell of a lot of room as well, it’s only marginally larger on the outside compared to our Corolla, but it’s so spacious inside. I’m excited about having a hatchback again too, there’s been a few situations where we were trying to put something into the boot and it just wouldn’t fit. Now we can go to town and put the back seats down and put EVERYTHING in it! *maniacal laughter*

We’re going to keep the old Corolla for a while just to go to and from the station in, because parking there means the car is permanently covered in dust thanks to all the construction going on, and when it rains everything turns to mud and the trucks going along the road just splash mud across everything.

A photographical upgrade

Last Wednesday, we upgraded from our trusty Canon EOS 7D to a brand-new Canon EOS 5D Mark IV! It’s a hell of an upgrade in terms of basically every single aspect… the 7D originally came out in 2009 and the 5D4 was only last year and is full-frame to boot, 18 megapixels versus 30, and the 5D4 also has the insanely awesome autofocus system from Canon’s flagship ~$8k-for-the-body-alone EOS 1DX.

I fairly obsessively tag my photos on Flickr so it’s easy to find things, and the final tally for photos taken with the 7D is 2641!

The very first photo taken was of this flower at my parents’ place, when I got our original 35mm f/2 lens for my birthday in 2010 (the camera and lens are not mine alone, both Kristina and I share it equally, but getting the lens for my birthday was a handy way to not have pay the entire cost of it ourselves :P).


It’s difficult to pull only a handful of favourite photos out of twenty-six hundred, but these would definitely be amongst them, in many cases more for the memory than any particular quality of the photograph…

Kristina being nibbled by a horse on our first wedding anniversary—
Horsey Nibbles

Meerkats warming themselves at Taronga Zoo—
Warming glowing warming glow

Dan looking right at a well-placed “Look right” sign—
Dan is waiting for a bus

Kristina looking stunning with our ring-flash—
My beautiful wife

Lily writing her name—

The train tunnels at Wynyard—
Into the tunnels

Lily feeding the lorikeets—
Feeding the lorikeets

A toothy grin—
Toothy grin

Christmas excitement—

The first photo taken in our new house—
Tedison's new home

Kristina being extremely nudged by a calf at Featherdale—

My very first photo of Beanie when we got him—

Nanny at Christmas hugging one of Lily’s presents—
Nanny hugging Lily's pillow pet

Beanie in the office—
In the office

One of the several actresses we got in at work one Halloween, who were done up as zombies and CREEPY AS FUCK—
Zombiegirl #3

Kristina cracking up at how ridiculous Beanie is—
Cracking up

Lily and Scarlett’s matching bears at Christmas—
New bears

Family photo—
Family photo!

The fantastically creepy decorations and lighting for the latest Halloween at work—

Playing around with coloured gels on our flashes with Adam and Stacey—

Beanie playing with his best friend Leo—

The extraordinarily epic storm aftermath we had—

A photo walk we did at work one lunch where we had some volunteers to do a pseudo-modelling shoot—

Leo and Beanie zooming down the hall—

Wandering around Barangaroo before going to the Maritime Museum—

We sold the 7D to friends, so it’s definitely going to continue on in a good home. It was an absolute workhorse, I didn’t think to check the shutter count before we sold it but it never once gave any sort of trouble whatsoever. Meanwhile, we’ve already started taking new memories with the 5D Mark IV and I’d say we ought to get at least 10 years out of it if not more.

Bandcamp is brilliant

For those unaware, Bandcamp is essentially a more indie iTunes Music Store—they don’t have any of the huge music labels there—but with a twist… you can stream entire albums before buying them (as opposed to the 90-second previews you get in iTunes), and a significantly larger percentage of the money you pay to them goes directly to the artist (Bandcamp says around 75-80%).

I found out about it around the start of this year, and it has me discovering and buying way more new music than I had previously. From 2013 to 2016, I’d added 30 albums to iTunes from various sources… this year so far I’ve bought 34 on Bandcamp! They have an iOS app that lets you browse artists by tag (usually genre, like “black metal” for instance, but there’s things like “female-fronted metal” that spans different genres, and really whatever else users have tagged the artist with), so I’ll spend an hour here and there just going through listening to new artists and adding albums to my wishlist, then once or twice a month will go back and buy a few of them.

One of the best bits is that the artists themselves set the prices and you can pay more if you’d like, and some don’t even have a minimum price. The highest I’ve come across so far us US$9.99 (currently about AU$12.50), which is a good bit cheaper than the standard AU$16.99 price you see on iTunes, and a lot have been closer to US$5.

They’ve also done some fantastic things like donating all their proceeds for a day when Trump tried his so-called “Muslim ban” back in January, and more recently doing a similar thing with the proposed ban on transgender service members in the US military.

So basically, if you like music and supporting artists, stop buying music anywhere else and start buying it on Bandcamp!

Adventures with Docker

For a few years now, the new hotness in the software world has been Docker. It’s essentially a very-stripped-down virtual machine, where instead of each virtual machine needing to run an entire operating system as well as whatever application you’re running inside it, you have just your application and its direct dependencies and the underlying operating system handles everything else. This means you can package up your application along with whatever other crazy setup or specific versions of software is required, and as long as they have Docker installed, anyone in the world can run it on pretty much anything.

The process of converting something to run in Docker is called “Dockerising”, and I’d tried probably two or so years ago to Dockerise my website (which was at the time still in its Perl incarnation), but without success. Most of it was not properly understanding Docker but also Docker’s terminology not being hugely clear and information on Dockering Perl applications being a bit thin on the ground at the time.

My new job involves quite a lot of Docker so I figured I should probably have another crack at it, so I sat down in June and managed to get my website running in a Docker container! The two-or-so-years between when I tried it last and now definitely helped, as did having had a little bit of experience with it in the new job.

I think the terminology was one of the bits that I struggled with most, so maybe this explanation will help someone… you have a Docker image, that’s basically a blueprint for a piece of software and all its associated dependencies. From that image (blueprint), you start up one or more containers which are the actual running form of the image. If one container dies (the application inside crashes or whatever), you don’t care and just start up another one and it’s identical each time. To build your own image, you start with a Dockerfile that tells Docker exactly how to construct your application and all the different parts that are required to support it (see my Lessn Archive’s Dockerfile for an example). There really wasn’t any substitute for actually going in and doing it; by struggling and failing I eventually got there in the end.

Since my initial success with my website, I’ve gone on to put both my old site archive and my URL shortener in Docker containers as well! Next stop is Kristina’s website, but that’s still using Perl and Mojolicious and my initial attempts have not been successful. 😛

Internet history

On Twitter recently, Mark had downloaded the whole archive of his Twitter account’s history and had been poking through it and randomly retweeting amusing old tweets. I downloaded my own Twitter history and quickly realised that a lot of the old things I’d linked to weren’t accessible because I’d been using my own custom URL shortener (this was before the days of Twitter doing their own URL shortening) and it wasn’t running anymore. Fortunately I’d had the foresight to take a full copy of all of my data and databases from Dreamhost before I shut down my account, and one of those databases was the one that had been backing my URL shortener. A quick import to PostgreSQL Workers KV and a hacky Node.js Cloudflare Workers application later, it’s all up and running! I’m under no illusions that it’s almost ever going to be accessed by anyone except me, but it’s nice to have another part of my internet history working. I’ve been hosting my own website and images and whatnot (things like pictures I’ve posted on my blog née LiveJournal, or in threads on Ars Technica) in one form or another since about 2002, and the vast majority of those links and images still work!

Speaking of my website, about four years ago now I went and tried to collect all my old websites into a single archive so I could look back and see the progression. The majority of them I actually still had the original source code to, though my very first one or two have been totally lost. The earliest I still have is from March of 1998 when I was not quite fifteen years old! I started out with just HTML, then discovered CSS and Javascript rollover images, and then around 2001 I started using PHP. I had to go in and hack up some of the PHP-based sites in order to get them to work, and oh dear god 18-year-old me was a FUCKING AWFUL coder. One of the sites consisted of a bit over three thousand lines in a single file, with all sorts of duplication and terribleness, and every single one of the sites that was hooked into MySQL had SQL injection vulnerabilities. I’m very proud of just how much my code has improved over the years.

I went back this weekend and managed to recover another handful of sites, and also included exports of the Photoshop files where the original site source wasn’t available. I’ve packed them all up into a Docker container (I’ll write another post about my experiences with Docker at some point soon) and chucked them up on for the entire Internet to marvel at how terrible they all were! There’s a little bit more background there, but it’s a lot of fun just looking back at what I did.